IGN: AsianSlave Problem: People that I run into says that I might need to change my ign, quote “they are very strict here”, though most of them do see the humor and are well received Details: Just joined two days ago, and after finding out about hp washing and price of gears I realized the only way to play this server is to start as bishop/mage.. Not to mention the copious amount of farm and leech selling needed to even begin playing a class I enjoy. So at character creation with this bleak future in mind I named my char “AsianSlave” as I myself am Asian, and is going to be a “slave” for the months or even years to come in order to fund my future main. I mean no harm and do not intend to offend anyone, and I really like this ign and find my ign fitting of the situation I’m currently in. I certainly hope that I do get to keep my ign, changing it to anything else would detract from my game immersion I apologize if this is in the wrong section, please do bare with this newbie.
You're probably gonna end up having to change your IGN but I'd wait for official input by a staff member
Yes, we consider that ign to be inappropriate. Thank you for coming forward and seeking clarification on the matter. Normally we would jail or ban the offending account/character temporarily until an IGN change can be made, however in this case you are free to play until the next server check. Please make a name change request here: https://royals.ms/forum/forums/name-change-requests.112/ with the proper format Spoiler: Format IGN: (Your character name) Desired IGN: (The name you would like to get.) Details: (For example if you want to swap names between two characters, or just change the name of one character.) Note you do not need to purchase RP for this change. Please link this thread in your request.