Haii i accidentally hit the delete button by accident when I wasn't paying attention is there any way I can get my character brought back from the darkness . I don't know this will do anything or matter but I did make one with the same name afters so I could still haves the name so it couldn't be taken. But I did delete the new one, would there be a way to bring back the one I actually played on? It will be the one that actually has like levels too it! IGN: (KountLexi) thenkss~!~~
Hai , sorrie about that the job was shadower and the level was either 143 or 144 it was one of those two.
Will check with the Admins if it's possible to restore the character as the recreation of the same IGN may cause some issues
Okie! Thenks for your help Deviluke, hopefully doing that didn't mess stuff up! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~