Hi guys, I currently have lvl 157 DK and was wondering if i should keep with it or make new Bucc. My goals is to be able to do all bosses in game and have high damage. i know it will be a huge hassle to make new char but im not sure my DK would be sought for HT/auf/the boss and other hard hitting bossed what do you think?
I think both are honestly great classes, why not play both! Some gear pieces can be shared and you can play on whichever fits best in your party. If you absolutely have to choose, I personally think Buccs have a lot in their kit that makes them very attractive. They excel in basically all end game content, provide a desirable party buff, and have Time Leap which can save doomed boss runs with an extra revive (or reset echo). That's not to say DKs don't excel as well with buffs and damage, its just my personal preference.
I'd also go for bucc as a main if I had to choose be between both. While Drks a really cool melee class that can be helpful in every end-game bosses (mostly because of hb), they get very limited in terms of damage. Zerking in auf, the boss, toad, dunas V1 is a real challenge that I personally wouldn't be able to deal with. Buccs are stronger, just as helpful as drks and have a better overall survivability during end-game contents. @Nerd pretty much said it all. You can still make a bucc and play both to see which one you prefer the most! :3