The Christmas event looks great--thanks for that! But how come it's not only much shorter, but also harder to receive the Orb of Versalmas cheer this year? Compared to last year, in which the event lasted 31 days; and the year before, in which the event lasted 39 days; the event is only 18 days long this year. The Orb of Versalmas cheer also requires 25 turn-ins of Mom & Dad's food, compared to 15 last year. I know that the cooldown between turn-ins has decreased, but many people cannot log in more than once a day with the holidays coming up. My assumption was that the reason why holiday events have always continued a good amount of time after the aforementioned festivities is to accommodate for that, as well as to allow players to experience the other parts of the events. I understand new source hype and all, and that it will probably be accompanied by new events itself, but why can't the Christmas event continue throughout its release?
There is a 10% chance to get the Orb of Versalmas cheer, so you do not need to hand in 20 times to be guaranteed one (It's 20, not 25 like you thought). You are correct in that the cooldown is 1/4 of what it was last year though. The reason for the Christmas event ending on the 31st is as you thought and that we are releasing the new source at the end of the year. Additionally the coding used for the new source compared to the current one is in an entirely different programming language, therefore it is not straight forward to have the Christmas event continue on while we make the changeover to the new source. I will also say that the event Christmas event itself is not of a high enough quality of event to be used on the new source. We will be striving to have much better events when it comes to it on the new source. In regards to an event upon launch of the new source; I believe It's very unlikely that there will be an event upon its release as we just simply do not have time for that right now and we would rather not rush one out. There may be some GM events, but it's likely the next one will be Valentines.
Does this mean that there can be more customization of an event, so that it might differ from year to year?
On a completely different topic from the post... Confirmed!!! I'll take this as an official announcement!
I have a different meaning to the dislike of the small duration. I believe I won't be the only one, but probably the only to complain about it. But like me, many people usually go out on the xmas/new year hollidays, family reunions, abroad vacations, etc. Ending this event on 31st will kill any chances of us to get any of the event prizes, specially the Mom&Dad quests, which take days to do. Isn't there any hope for us of the event to be extended for a few more days after?
I think you are likely one of the only people on this server who would rather have the event be extended over the new source being released. Regardless, the event will have to be shorter this year so as to deliver the new source which I think is far more exciting!
I gave no opinion on what I prefer, I was simply posing a question. I do agree with you though with the new source being the most exciting addition in quite some time.