So im an old mapler. havent played really since 2009 ish and though i do remember a lot of things i dont really remember where to train on a cleric. any advice welcome cheers Moldy.
The easy answer is, it depends on your level. But here's a rough guide for cleric/priests. 30-50: CPQ, Chronos, Platoon/Master Chronos 51-75: Ghost Ship 1/2/5/6, 2 being the best spot. 75-90: Wolf Spiders when you can find a party, GS2 when you can't. You can also go to Ludi dungeon. 80-90: Gobies party if you can find one. 90-120: Himes, 95 is leech level for Himes so if you're below that you'll need to find someone within 5 levels of you.
Oh wait, I think that's something they did later in maple? Or earlier? Idk, someone below 95 if you're also below.
From personal experience, I was able to GS2 till level 90. I was getting a level every 45min-1hr, but I had to be in a party with an AoE type class to kill on the right while I'm on the stairs. With the duo, the constant spawn made exp amazing. After 90+, I head over to himes till 120. Don't need to have a person with you since exp was still good, but training with a DK helped with the pot burn.
I mention training in a party because it maximizes exp from HS with you have two people together. You could solo, but duo training is more ideal.
yeah... it wasn't like this until after BB. was this a mistake on the server developers' parts? Or did they make this intentional to control leeching? :/ I was really hoping leeching had no limit when I joined this server.
Back in 2006 when I played GMS you had to be within 5 levels of either your party member of the monsters your party was killing to gain experience from kills from other members of your party.