Hi I got a problem with logging in. On TaytoNL I seems to be banned for playing with my family. I explained in the forum ban appeal that it wont happen again. Foxy closed the ban appeal instead of talking about it. But Foxy seems to personally attack me for a while now and its not fair for her making the decision/ having a say in something like a IP ban when personal problems are involved.
Communication is king, indeed. And the rules were clearly communicated to you. And you chose to break them.
They communicated clearly and concisely to you that you broke a rule. The fact that before you can leave Maple Island you are told about 5 rules that you cant break, one of them involving voting, and are reminded every single time you vote is just additional layers of them trying to help you not break the rules. This is a you failing to read problem, not any communication issue on Royals or the staffs behalf.
Bro if you spent 1/10 of the effort communicating with your family compared to your effort on posting here and whining, your family be telling you to not vote abuse....