I'm thinking of compiling an exhaustive list of things you can do on maple other than the basic training, bossing, leeching, and merching. - collect all the cards - do all the quests - farm a particular etc, and just collect thousands of that etc (e.g. red snail shell, slime bubble, teddy's cotton, etc...) - collect fame/defame - just sit in kerning city - buy galore sacks and try to kill noobs - smega uwu - help noobs level - make new friends, have debates and discussions - do a social experiment - play match cards/omok and try to get a lot of wins - get a makeover with NX and RP what do YOU like doing?
Speaking from personal experience since I'm trying it now; playing an ironman character. It adds a fun level of challenge to the progression cycle of maple.
What about dropping perfect kanzirs and king cents in Kerning? Maybe with a bit of dropping clean fs/scg/bwg/apples in FM too? Apparently some people find that fun