Hello, I noticed this issue with Corkscrew Blow a while back but didn't put together a video until now, but Corkscrew Blow seems to take double the mana cost that it normally should. At max level, it should take 36 mana to use, but it takes 72 mana in two instances during a single cast. Once during the initial charge and again during the actual cast of it. You will see my mana bar lose 36 each time I hold down the button to charge Corkscrew Blow, and again at each cast. If I just press the button, it takes away 36+36 mana in quick succession. This isn't that big of a deal for me, but for lower level brawlers, it will cause some definite mana issues.
It also causes an issue that sometimes you start the skill, you run out of mana, then it still lets you finish the skill and you see the dmg and move as if the skill worked, but it won’t actually damage or kill anything