Hello, So i have a character that stands all day in the FM , just merching , but it's kinda frustrating to disconnect every 30minutes to an hour. It started happening from the Anniversary patch. I don't think i see other players disconnecting. i tried re-installing the game as well, cleaning all files.
I must say I'm also getting dc every 30 mins-1hr or so lately, mostly noticed in the last couple of days
Are you using the regular store permit? If so, dont open the "Items sold" tab. That causes your character to dc after while. An old bug which still haven't been fixed. Can't seem to find the related report here on forums on my phone though.
Hope just dc'ing out of the blue while standing in FM channel 1. I dc within 30min to 1hour. It's just one char, the other char doesn't.
Don't click into your shop unless necessary. If you do click in, reclient. Try not opening your shop for few hours, you will realise you don't have these random crashes anymore. Edit to add: Relogging doesn't resolve, have to reclient - meaning closing the entire client and reopening a new one.