Dark Knight Aura of the Beholder Aura of Beholder is healing pass zerk, canceling out berserk. If i remembered correctly, the healing caps at the highest HP of Berserk. Also, aura of beholder heals pass death which automatically resurrects the character.
I don't believe so. Beholder heals over the cap of Berserk. I believe there is a beholder passive that you were not suppose to add into that give you that HP regen.
No, OP is correct, Aura is not supposed to heal past zerk. Active HP-regenerative skills are currently really buggy. Aura will actually revive you if you die.
Aura of Beholder is healing pass berserk, canceling out berserk. If i remembered correctly, the healing caps at the highest HP of Berserk. Also at death, aura will continue to heal and when it does it instantly revives the character.
If you can provide me with some documentation which proves that this is an issue I will look into it.
Merging this with your old post on the same topic so we don't have duplicate reports about the same thing. I can confirm that having Beholder out does cause ressurection upon death (as does the beginner skill Recovery).
I know I'm kinda making a zombie thread here, but is this going to get fixed soon? Like with the new source code?