Not Bug Dark sight and Assassinate

Discussion in 'Closed' started by Tusakr, Feb 26, 2017.

  1. Tusakr

    Tusakr Active Member

    Apr 18, 2016
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    Dark sight: Pet auto loot and auto pot is not working while using dark sight, but if i remember correctly, they both working fine while using dark sight in the old source.

    Assassinate is a complex skill, the current description of this skill at max lv is
    "MP -40, Attack 120%, for 12 secs, accumulative damage, Critical Damage 250%, for success rate 90%"
    but after using this skill more then thousands times, i knew attack 120% is a joke, 600% is the right number, and 12 secs to fully charge the skill is correct.

    the real thing confuse me is the 250% Critical damage, only 4th hit able to do critical damage, but no matter how hard i try, from spamming the skill to fully charged
    assassinate , 250% critical damage is nowhere to be found(compare non critical 4th hit with critical 4th hit)
    so i think this might be another small description error, but later i found another version of description of this skill in this website

    "MP -40, Attack 600%, for 8 secs, accumulative damage, Critical Damage 250%, for success rate 90%"
    this description might from the later version of maplestory but still before big bang, in this description, the attack is right, and the charge time is 8 secs(might be a buff of later version, just ignore it), critical damage is still 250%.

    So i think 4th hit of assassinate is truly meant to do 250% critical damage at 90% success rate, but for some reason the skill is still broken in the current source, maybe this is unfixable? that's why this bug still exist even in new source?

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