Tried to get a zhelm twice today, the game crashed both times I went to buy one. Both times were on the last healthbar about 35% hp left, doubt that's a coincidence. Im inclined to think that if i do another run i'll dc at the same time as before, I didn't have any problems whatsoever until that part (aside from Zak dissapearing). First try I was on windowed mode, after that I tried fullscreen and lowered the graphics to minimum, still no luck. It just happened to me and only me, I have a pretty beefy computer and wasn't running anything but Royals so I don't know what could have gone wrong. If it helps, im running that special .exe for windowedmode since I can't run the game on windows 10 without it, I get the "error code 2147...".
Prueba con esta compatibilidad. También cuando le bajas los gráficos (GFX) o los subes, lo tienes que hacer cada vez que cae una parte. Es decir, cuando muere el ultimo brazo, el primer, segundo y tercer cuerpo
Ya lo tenia en compatibilidad para Windows 7, pero probare tu metodo. Entre a Zak ya con GFX minimo y nunca subieron durante, aun asi lo tengo que hacer cada parte? Te recuerdo que nunca tuve problemas hasta el ULTIMO cuerpo al 35%, el juego simplemente crashea. Lo que me llama la atencion es que despues de los brazos Zak se buggea y se hace parcialmente invisible, junto con mi inventario y otros UI. Gracias por la atencion amigo.
Justo por eso se hace cada vez que un cuerpo cae. Seguro el zak desaparece primero y al siguiente cuerpo se bugea peor. El gfx deberia solucionarlo
Well, I would like to know what you guys are talking about, so maybe I can fetch more information on this issue and perhaps have input myself.
I was letting him know to try the compatibility shown on the screenshot and explaining that he has to gfx each time a body dies