minimaplesACCEPTING WS/CS Will sell 48 hours after last bid or at a/w PM in-game Yueshan or dm inbox or leave bid in post. 12/3 bfc s/b 24b a/w 25b or trade for 18 bfc ALSO FOR SALE 7 bfc - 750m 7 pgc - 650m 8 pgc - 1b @ 500m can wait for liquidation. Spoiler: SOLD 28 int bathrobe(M) - 1.4b ingame store 8/0 bfc - 700m sold ingame store 21/0 bfc - 17wa BFC + 21 coins + 31 cs + 7ws +140m ccn (forum) 17/0 bfc - 15 pgc + 11ws + 110m GracielaNL (ign) 14/0 fs - 9att(3.7b) + 13.3b a/w Barms(ign) 14/0 bfc - 11 att + 4.7b a/w Azumiaiz (ign) 25 tma maple shield - 550m ingame store 9/o fs - 3.7b str8 Lap2 (ign) 11/0 bfc - 1.92b + ws + cs sold to 07151129(forum) 16/0 bfc - 13/3 bfc SharkFist(ign) 5/0 fs - sold ingame 900m store 9/0 bfc - sold to MoldySponge 888m (ign) 9/0 bfc - sold ingame store Atomic12 1.33b (ign) 6/9 fs - sold ingame store Hobina 1.53b (ign) 11/0 bfc - 2.8b a/w Mushpaut (ign) 13/0 bfc - 1.7b + 12 bfc iafraidroach (ign) 12/0 bfc - 4b a/w ilbe (ign + forum + rwt questions cuz new) 10/0 fs - 2 cs + 5ws + 2.6b (6.1b) Rblood(ign) 6/0 fs - 1.3b iiMoon (ign) 140 golden nisrock - 20b coins EricAllen91 (ign) barryallen91 (forum) 144 kanzir - 21/119 KC + 22 ws (11b) RAFACK(ign) rafael (forum) RTK - 5 cs + 1 ws + 500m ign Problem(ign) 140 white nisrock - 25b (12 cs + 4ws + 17b coins) LarissaNL (ign and forum) 119 KC - 30b (25b + 10 ws) AgentDV (ign and forum) 119 KC - 30b (2cs + 1 ws + 6b) paying in installments STS9 6/0 fs - 1.4b Zanath (ign and forum) 8/0 fs - 3.5b TspearTbody1(ign) kiy7866(forum) 8/0 fs - 3.5b Turtlesage(ign) Turtlelord(forum) 22 scg - 29b (13b + 18ws + 14cs)AschKetchup(ign) snoopy2102(forum) 14 fs - 17.5b (11 vl + 13 bfc +4cs + 2ws + 120m) Yumiette(ign) YumeSatsujin(forum) 11 vl - 7.5b (8ws + 7cs + 300m) sobiggun(ign) Pinz(forum) 13bfc - 5.6b (5cs + 6ws + 100m) Aloraa(ign) Alorabeans(forum) 9/0 fs - 4.2b (4cs + 4 ws + 200m) steinfisch(ign) minimaples(forum) 10/0 bfc - 2.2b (1b coin + 1.2b) sedrick(ign) 11/0 bfc - 3.0b (3ws + 3cs) Gbob(ign) Perfect(forum) 6/0 fs - 1.3b (2cs + 300m) LowkeyHero(ign) I reserve the right to sell or not sell my items to anyone. I reserve the right to sell at any time, so if I want, I can sell my items before the end of the bidding.