sorry if this question has already been answered, i couldnt seem to find an answer though. dex seems to improve my damage range in my character stats, but I see that dex isn't mentioned at all in the L7/TT damage calculation. my night lord wont ever be using dex required equips (just playing like this for fun) so i was thinking of scrolling my zhelm for hp and shoes for avoidability instead of scrolling for dex. but if the dex actually helps w/ damage then i may just scroll for that
It does not. Instead of scrolling zhelm for HP, why not get a lord pirate hat and scroll that for luk directly with token of teamwork scrolls? Shoes usually facestompers are chosen for the weapon attack they give, which would be an option to use that slot for damage too.
Lucky 7 and Triple Throw use a special damage formula of 5 * LUK instead of the usual 3.4*LUK + STR + DEX that you see in your damage range. The higher multiplier means that your L7/TT will be doing much more damage than represented in your range. DEX does increase your Avenger or Drain damage, but it's so minor you're better off just getting more LUK and HP...
not sure what the goal is with not using any dex requiring gear but it won't really work if you ever want to reach bosses and other end game content. On the other hand, you can always just change your mind, you are not really doing anything irreversible