How long has your computer been on for? I had a strange issue with Boomerang Step not stunning mobs and after further testing with another Shad member on Staff we discovered that re-booting my computer fixed the issue entirely. My PC was on for over 10 hours for that incident to happen, if I remember correctly. For users who are not running in Windows 7 compatibility mode that should fix a majority of these issues because it's needed (somehow) to register the skills' secondary effects (IE: Stun, freeze, burn, etc) I'm not entirely sure why, but it's one thing we've noticed when trying to replicate issues like this one. This same issue could be effecting the mob's freeze some other users are currently experiencing as well.
you mean how long i played? i play 1-2 hours i just turned on the pc and went to neo tokyo. I have the same problem. install the IMGsetup and now it works correctly.