Character name: aniya / pristin / kgoeun Problem: I drop traded a 30 str (9?) dex White Marquini from aniya over to one of the other two characters listed above after trading a stormcaster gloves, blue amos cape, and facestompers over beforehand. (I drop traded it just for the sake of convenience) and after a while when I tried to transfer it back over to aniya I found that it was gone from all my characters inventories and accounts storages after searching for it. I thought I NPC'd the overall but some time after chilling on the forums I found that there mention some "drop bug", on the latest failure thread, that made items disappear when dropping? Not exactly sure what could be done about this, since the item is gone i guess. It looks like the problem has been around for a couple months by now and there was no awareness raised to let players know about it (except a number of thread comments that I could count on a single hand) as far as i know, but the bug still happens, albeit it's a rare event. When I'm drop trading I'm acknowledge that I'm risking other players looting my items, not that I'm risking the item from disappearing as a result of a server-sided bug. :/