Hey everybody, I'd like to discuss the topic of drops in the current state of the server~ Note that this is my personal opinion only so feel free to agree or disagree with me regardless I feel that the rates are too high for the majority of the mobs you can encounter with the following issues: - Equipment drops are insane, i manage to fill my entire 96 slots in 15-20 minutes of relaxed farming (Not including event drops like roses) - A direct result of inflation increase by NPCing. - Potion drops are never "rewarding" as i'd like to see a pack of 1-4 like some bosses do. OGMS implemented this way after BB but i think the server can benefit from it partially. - Scrolls drop too often, deem any 10%, 60% worthless. This really annoyed me when i first started playing, as anything i got was unsellable and i struggled to even get some money. - Meso drops are so-so, i do understand it meant to motivate new players but again, inflation increase. - Unique etc drops are actually fine as glass shoes, flaming feathers, ice cubes, honey etc are really hard to come by. - Monster cards for collection book drop very frequently for low level mobs, i guess it supposed to work like this? In conclusion, i think the triple drop rate really hurts the general economy, narrowing whatever you can sell and what can be even in a slight demand. Epic equips (Blue names), throwing stars, scrolls, ores, materials are literally worthless... I would appreciate more diverse market and economy where nothing comes by so easily. There should be more ways to increase drop rate for players who want to have it that way with nx coupons, special events, buffs, etc.
I don't understand why you complain about mobs dropping too many equips while complaining about scrolls being worthless and you struggle to even get some money. Apr. 2020 https://royals.ms/forum/threads/update-65-18-04-2020.155184/#post-916867 Talking about scroll price, it's also about the server's long history. As an old server, ordinary equipment would be less valuable cuz the server is creating tons of them every year. In the past weapon 60% scrolls could be sold for 1m. Now they are 50-200k. In the past INT scrolls and equipments are expensive, now cheap. Just an example: 20 INT bathrobe was ~400m; now less than 200m. The server could have created thousands of 20 INT bathrobes. OA INT 60% used to be 16m and ppl regularly farm at bone fish for them. Now OA INT 60% is 1~2m. According to https://royals-library.netlify.app/use/id=2040513, not much is changed but the price is much lower. Potions like power elixir drop rate was nerfed. This is suggesting the opposite. ----------------------------- Spoiler: wait what? I'm even more confused why you are asking about 24 BWG (~60b).......
That's because 30%s and event 100%s exist This isn't a supply issue, it's a demand issue. Red cravens drop at one of the most popular farming maps AND a popular leeching map and yet a perfect one is still 700m. The issue with most of these is that no one uses them. Personally I'm very much in favor of adding more uses to ores.