Its no secret, LUK-less Mages comprise the overwhelming majority of all Mages on Royals due to how useless LUK is for a Mage. LUK serves absolutely no purpose to Mages unlike every other class in the game. Every other classes 2ndary stat at a minimum does something to increase their damage. And you find every class uses their equips throughout their leveling. A LUK req literally makes every piece of gear above level 20 worthless. All 3 classes have the same incredibly shallow and boring gearing paths. This to me is not Nostalgic. I suggest dropping the LUK req on most Mage gear except the super high level Ele Staffs and maybe a few items that I cant think of currently. Make the Mage items have some value again. Give players more choice when it comes to gearing up a Mage. If some items need to be rebalanced, then so be it. Make Mage gear a solid option in gearing a mage character.
I remember when I played GMS back in v26-32 or something, LUKless mage was the way to go even then. So yes it is nostalgic? Lol. And if you wanna make the game more vanilla, as it was intended to be played, might as well cut off hp washing too.
No. Why? Do you want a chronological list or alphabetical list of EVERY instance where a game simplified and went down the fucking tube? RS, WoW, Leagues, Dragon Saga, Dragonica, and of course, Maplestory are all ones I think of in half a second whenever people want this server to be made "easier". We play because it's not GMS. Secondary stats are important, Accuracy MATTERS here, the weapons have to be scrolled, there's no potentials. If you remove the secondary stats, you might as well remove all stats and make damage purely based on your weapon... note: the only game that said "fuck off" to requests like this was Ragnarok and you could have a STR fighter, a DEX fighter, a hybrid, it was complicated, it was fun, and it worked. Just.... no. No. Also, if you want the higher luk gear, either add luk or scroll non-luk items with luk. The trade off is more luk = better equipment, just because the meta is lukless doesn't mean you should get all the benefits of both with no consequences.
Are you 100% sure? I remember I had more accuracy than a luk mage @lvl 21 (accuracy in terms of me hitting more consistently on the kpq mobs while he was barley hitting) (I had nothing special in terms of equips neither did he) edit: Anyone reading thread and thinks luk build is good, NO. Pure int is the way to go, or else you will spend up to 1b in some cases to reset your luk @end game
From what I've seen yes they're equal, however the formulas I've seen use a truncate (stat/10) for each point in accuracy. It could be that since you were full int you just didn't get rounded off a point or two. I have no clue as to how % accuracy for magic is calculated though. Edit: Though that does bring up a point since most mage equips end with x3 or x8 luk requirements, you get absolute screwed by the truncate so that hurts even the small marginal benefit if those accuracy formulas were to be true
It is difficult for pure int mages to wear high level equips, but it is definitely possible; if you have zakum helmet, a horntail pendant, some rings, a belt, a medal, you can get quite a lot of luk. This allows you to wear low to mid level equips which also might give some luk. You can use this luk to wear some equips up to lvl 70 or even higher while still being lukless. Many people don't bother trying to do achieve this even though it has potential to be better than the standard doros robe and jewelry boots build. Originally, it was intended by nexon/wizet that all jobs have a secondary stat that they would need to put points in, in order to wear good equips. many people try to do it without the secondary stat which is fine, but then accept the consequence of not being able to wear certain equips. Magic accuracy is not a stat you can see in your stat window.
I wouldn't want to remove the luk requirement on mage gear. Imo if anything, buff the higher level gear to give more int (although i wouldn't really want that either). Even if its not worth it to add base luk to wear equips, high level mage gear can be really useful, in particular lv40+ gear and sandals. From my own experience, getting enough luk to wear higher level gear is quite fun and rewarding, it opens up for more gear options once you get a good htp/zhelm/krex ring and so on. With decent all stat gear, a mage can even wear lv100 gear with no extra base luk
I know. Was using the comparison of 2 lvl 21 mages. 1 lukless and on with luk. I was curious on how the magic accuracy was calculated so I did some googling. found another calculator too that worked off the same formula as ^. (this calculator wasn't hosted online seemed to be made by someone Chinese before 2008) Seems like INT gives as much accuracy as LUK (a combination of both seem to give slightly more than pure luk or pure int tho). If this is right LUK is a dead stat, entirely useless and should rather invest AP into INT
Unless one has uber godly chaosed gear and is able to wear an ele staff with less than 50 ish base luk, the strongest option for a mage would be to use the highest gear one can use while still having 4 base luk (or 23 at 200)
Hello there, I am a luk Arch Mage (Fire/poison) and here is my thought. I am at level 173 now with 132 luk. I'm pretty sure many people think that I am stupid but this is just how I like to play the game. By this standard, I am now just able to 1 shot petrifighters (With meteor 30), which if you are also a fire and poison Arch mage but invest all of your stat points to int you can already achieve what I did somewhere at level 140, I think. Therefore for obvious reason, luk really do seems to be completely useless. (The accuracy effect on luk is not worth mentioning so I will skip that.) In order to make luk Mages feel love again I have a suggestion which I hope it will not break the game and at the same time allow players to think more about the path they can choose, because right now going all int is the way to go since many players love to see high numbers in damage. So instead of dropping luk requirement for Mage equipment, increase the survivability of Mages whom added luk (Increase the maximum HP, so players will consider whether they want to play a Mage for damage of a Mage who don't die easily.) The maximum amount of increased HP should be of enough influence to allow players to really give a second thought. The 132 luk I traded away from damage need to go somewhere.
They should be buffing the higher level luk items instead. Choosing luk should be the baseline, and going lukless is for the more funded However, in this server going lukless is easy enough that going luk is a damage loss. To encourage the addition of LUK there should be gear that they can only wear, once again making it worth while, and adding a new sense of accomplishment (much like dexless stonetooth users)
Mages are already one of the strongest farming class (post 4th job). No point in buffing them, arch mages already got a buff. If we did mages would just be more ridiculous and the server would cater to mage palyers way too much. Imo just keep it as it is no point for something fancy, the simpler the better.
Then decrease the amount INT contributes to damage or decrease the chance to get INT scrolls. (thereby making higher Matt items worth while) Do other stuff to make it so LUKless mages aren't SO easy to make. Simpler is not always better, and removing LUK req on items is a really slippery slope to fucking up the server. If they did this, I would personally quit. As I stated before, this is the start of shit that brings games to their knees. First it's one stat, then it's accuracy. Then it's decreasing the EXP to level, increase all skill damages, then new players get a 4th level toon to be able to more quickly play with friends. Royals might as well dig their own grave. It won't work. Sides, the VERY fact that AP resets are so easy to get means there is NO reason a person can't level with LUK and reset it if they don't need it. Just because Lukless is easy, doesn't mean it's useless. Again, you can't expect to go lukless and get all the benefits of luk mages.
Every class is easy to make with out sub stats. So I don't get why mages should be harder. Buccaneer and warrior might have a tougher time than other classes going dexless but none the lass its easy. Maple weapons make it so easy leveling with out sub stats, throw in some accuracy equips and every class can go without a sub stat. Only reason most classes use sub stat is because end game weapons requires them changing how int works is a bad idea, we already have common knowledge on how int works. Changing it will cause A LOT confusion also deviate from the #nostalgia. changing drop rate of int scrolls will just cause inconsistency with the 2x drop rate and also nerf luk mages and all hp washing players. Sorry my bad I choose bad wording there, you are right simpler is not always better. What I meant was the staff (or who ever decides stuff) seems to want the game to be as true to the source as possible, making changes to the class would change it up way too much of what we know about it. somethings are better left untouched than change it.
luk mages have more advoid and lose less exp when you die. that is your perk. please stop asking for these type of changes, and focus on real bugs and fixes.
If the goal is to have more luk mages, the most effective way to do so is to put a luk requirement on elemental wands, but I'm sure most people don't want that.