IGN: BellaIsFine Problem: I'm trying to finish the quest"Lost in Translation 2" Details: I'm trying to finish the questline "Lost in Translation". I'm currently on the second part. The item i'm missing is the "Coded Communique" that is received when you complete the part 1 of the quest. Unfortunately, many moon ago, and due to me hoarding a numerous amount of etc items, I probably dropped it at some point and am unable to get it back. Usually with most quests a simple forfeit and restart is enough. But because this questline is segmented somewhat, I think i'm unable to re-receive the Communique. Lost in Translation 1 was completed on "2016/3/1 at 4:00" Thanks!
You need to visit this map and talk to Jack. https://bbb.hidden-street.net/map/mini-map/crimsonwood-mountain-cavern-of-pain
No luck. I tried talking to him with Lost in Translation 2 both as an active and inactive quest. This is pretty much my exact situation as well: http://www.basilmarket.com/Lost-in-Translation-2-quest-Thread-bxxQX-1 Thanks!