Hello, I was trying the other day to do the quest "Eliminate Goblins" in KFT, in which you need to kill the three King Goblins and receive their corresponding items. But after I finished summoning them(dropped the food stuff in the corresponding places) nothing happened. So in turn it also prevents you from completing the quest line. I searched the forums and I found (only) this: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/kft-goblin-kings-wont-summon.37709/ But as the time stamp suggests it was almost two years ago, which means it's irrelevant due to the new source change. So, I guess this counts as a currently-in-place bug. If anyone tried and succeeded in summoning them, I would like to know as well. *P.S: I am not sure how to prefix this thread, I don't know how critical it even is so I went with w/e.