Epicznymis and I (Soleil) are trying to get married. After we got the proof of love (all 4), we made the wedding ring. However the ring (Golden Heart) refused to work when I accepted the proposal. It's still in his inventory. Epic went to the parents, got the next 2 proof of love, and tried to get the wedding permit, which did not work. High priest John refuses any commands I put into him, and ended up taking my wedding ticket. We're kind of stuck. No GMs have answered my ~gm' messages. Help!
Did you follow this guide exactly? http://royals.ms/forum/showthread.php?t=2271 Can you explain which part of that guide is bugged. Because I'm having trouble understanding.
We followed the guide. The part where he proposes is the issue. He proposed, I clicked yes, and nothing happened. We thought the ring was bugged, so we continued on.
You should have been fine to continue on. I know that there is a small glitch when proposing, but it should still go through...
It didn't go through... Kind of annoyed that I lost 25 mil, that was my savings... Don't know what we can do about it. Is there anyway to bypass the system?
Mom and Dad went "Hi We're mom and dad" for me. For him though, he had the 2 proof of loves and handed them to Priest John...
hmmm, John should not have taken them, are you sure they are gone? Can you get them again and give them to mom and dad instead. That's what it says in the guide...
Only the male character needs to get the Proof-of-loves - the female character should not have them, as Saki and I discovered when we were trying to get married! >_<
Epic went back to Mom and Dad to redo the 2 proof of love, didn't work he got the usual preprogrammed "Hi we are Mom and Dad". I had him repropose (again, glitched), and also told him to talk to High priest John then Mom and Dad... still a no go. Is there anyway we can bypass this?
@Kat, not sure if I should of made a new thread but... Are we ever going get the rings for the crafted box? Maybe we can exchange the package with a GM for the ring? or will it be fixed in the future?
Can you make a new thread in character issues giving the two character names involved and what happened and where you got stuck. Thanks. Apologies if you already did. If so please link me to the thread.