Account 1 : IGN:Hoiy Last thing you did: nothing Why do you think you got banned?: no clue What GM banned you (optional): no clue Account 2 : IGN : Angel Last thing you did : nothing Why do you think you got banned? : no clue What GM banned you (optional) : no clue
I haven't been at home yet so cannot look into it. Won't be home until about 4pm GMT. Any GM/Admin should be able to look into this though. What does your ban message say? It's also impossible for the last thing you did to be nothing. Unless you mean for example, sitting in the free market as nothing. But really that would be classed as sitting in the free market, rather than nothing.
The system banned you for attempting to drop mesos that you do not possess. It's pretty likely that this was a mistake. You should be able to login again.