Over the past few weeks, the staff have been showered in negative commentary by a part of the community. I read some of the those posts and was surprised the staff just seemed to 'let it slide'. Heck, I just wanted to personally slap those people for being so insensitive. Still, I think the staff did great by focusing on the real issue and seemingly ignoring any negativity. I will sound like a major suck-up , but nonetheless I would like to use this thread as a personal "thank you" to the entire Royals staff for keeping your heads cool when the chips are down. I was very afraid that the issues of the past weeks and the growing unrest in the community would eventually lead to end of the server. But the staff did not succumb to the pressure and I am grateful for that. It's always easy to let your voice be heard when things aren't going your way. (I for one spawned about 4 suggestion threads in the past few weeks ) But people often forget to express their gratitude when things are actually working out. This thread is just to let you know there are people who care about the server and the work you guys put forth to keep it up. (Positive feedback is also feedback, aye? ) Keep up the good work guys! Lets hope the HD was truly the issue and that the server will have many stable months to come.