I am starting my Dragon Shiner Bow crafting project. Link: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/dragon-shiner-bow-crafting-project-statistical-record.192515/ This buying thread will be updated when necessary depending if I have the funds to procure the materials. I can be contacted here, in-game (FeiLongHuang) or MapleRoyals discord server (Nickname: FeiLongHuang). ====================================== Shopping List Status: OPEN (Will be updated in the future, here in forum and in discord) Last updated: 14 April 2023 ====================================== White Nisrock (Trash Quality) Amount: 20 Price 650k each (@144% of NPC buying price: 450k) Bow Production Stimulator Amount: 10 Price: 1M each Dragon Scale Amount: Buy orders fulfilled Price: 600k each Dragon Spirit Amount: Buy orders fulfilled Price: 300k each DEX Crystal Ore Amount: 500 Price: 350k each Alternative: DEX Crystal @3.5M each POW Crystal Ore Amount: Buy orders fulfilled Price: 270k each Alternative: DEX Crystal @2.7M each I'll accept proposal from material gatherers that are able to supply bulk materials to be my priority contacts before I open my procurement to public. Number of priority suppliers: 3
All buy orders have been fulfilled. And thanks for the good luck wishes from those who have interacted
All buy orders have been fulfilled. I can't get your name in time, but thank you to that 1 player that dropped me 2 POW crystal ores.
Will be setting up new buy orders this weekend. Editing post in advance to include white nisrock in the buy list so that interested sellers have time to prepare. Those grey trash nisrock you NPC away ? I'll get them off your hands. Buy quota is limited due to budget, can contact me in advance before i finalize the amount to procure.
Buy orders now open to public Location: FM Channel 1, cloud platform next to Room 13 Edit: All buy orders fulfilled except white nisrock
All main buy orders have been fulfilled. Thanks to some players for the material discount support. Public trade is now closed. White Nisrock will remain open for private deals.
Looking to stock up trash (gray quality) white nisrock. Contact me here or in MSRoyals discord anytime. This buy order remains open until further update. (If you have any friends leeching/farming in petri or nest golem, let them know this offer. Thank you. )