I've noticed there's no guide for Female Hairstyles Soo here it is xD Do correct me if something is wrong, or tell if you've got any other hairstyles that's not listened here not completed yet! Pictures added. Note: this is only for EXP coupon.(random Hairstyle coupn) Orbis Spoiler Monica Roxy Sammy Bowlcut Princess Warrior The Honeybun Zessica Ludibrium Spoiler Pigtails Ellie Ladyhawk Angelica Jean Candy Heart Sonara Waves Kerning Spoiler Super Diva Annie Ravishing Raven Jolie Pei Pei Bridget Curly Stream Desert Flower Miru Veronica Fransesca Henesys Spoiler Minnie Carla Polly Fourtail Braids Frizzle Dizzle Chantelle Paula Lori Mu Lung Spoiler Polly Rastafari Ladyhawk Carla Chantelle Demolishing Diva Caspia Bowlcut Lori Rose Connie Fluffy Dolly Perfect Stranger Amoria Spoiler Aneglica Monica Caspia Fransesca Rose Daisy Do Ballroom Classic Victorian Wraps Classy Sass Maiden's Wave Cecelia Twist NLC Spoiler Paula Streaky Siren Angelica Caspia Daisy Do Lori Sunflower Power Model's Ambition Chantelle Fluffy Dolly
I will update this later, quite busy, and got some problems with my internet. so ye. Thank you for helping