Banner coming soon Spoiler FENDI is entering open enrollment! We have quietly built up a squad of 90 members and would like to round out the remaining capacity with QUALITY players! *If you are an active A++ personality but slightly below level requirement do not shy away from applying Daily: Zak - Krex - CWKPQ - APQ Weekly: Fendi Horntail Monthly: BIG events Guild Discord: Feel free to reach out to any of the Juniors regarding any questions you may have. Otherwise drop an application and we hope to see you soon Master: 7777 / ioopy Juniors: Shinjitsu Spoiler: Application Format 1. Name / IGN: 2. Level / Job: 3. Country / Timezone: 4. Tell us about yourself: 5. Can you join discord?:
1. Name / IGN: Shap / lronside 2. Level / Job: 138 / Dark Knight 3. Country / Timezone: Israel / GMT +3 4. Tell us about yourself: I'm a personal trainer & currently studying physical therapy.
Wei! T_T thank you means a lot! But it seems like I set the bar pretty low LOL. Join us for runs anytime
Name / IGN: Swiffer - LoveTheOhana 2. Level / Job: 124 Bowmaster - 150 Bishop 3. Country / Timezone: Canada/Eastern Daylight Time 4. Tell us about yourself: Names Noah been playing Mapleroyals for a very long time off and on but recently really started to enjoy my BM and looking for a guild that is active fun and friendly. im usually on about 8pm - 3/4am EST time. Hope to hear back from you soon Loopy
1. Name / IGN: Kevin/Klousable 2. Level / Job: 142 bishop 3. Country / Timezone: Canada EST 4. Tell us about yourself: Been playing maple in general for 10+ years on and off, this is my first time back to royals in a while. excited to level my paladin so i can actually hit some bosses, or total crash it thats cool too
1. Name / IGN: Frank / Shinjitsu 2. Level / Job: 148 Dark Knight 3. Country / Timezone: USA, EST 4. Tell us about yourself: Newer player that hasn't played MS in a decade, really looking forward to bossing since I never got to that point in GMS. Just graduated college and am studying for the CPA, so play times are extremely flexible. Looking forward to meeting new people
1. Name / IGN: keny kennie 2. Level / Job: 173 hearo 3. Country / Timezone: usa pst 4. Tell us about yourself: new to ms just looking for friends
1. Name/IGN: tal/ zimodo 2. Level/ job :131 dark knight 3.Time Zone : Gmt+3 4.started royals not long ago, excited to kill some bosses , used to play back in 2005 as a child and nowadays when ever theres time A few hours a day
Welcome aboard Tal! Look forward to meeting you online. Fendi is also running a huuuuuuuge guild event for the NBA finals! Sports fans nba fans LMK
1. Name / IGN: Ken / yupeng 2. Level / Job: 136 / Hero 3. Country / Timezone: Taiwan / GMT +8 4. Tell us about yourself: Bossing bossing .
1. Name / IGN: Dylan / CatTurd 2. Level / Job: 144 / NL 3. Country / Timezone: Canada / GMT-4 4. Tell us about yourself: Once upon a time, I dc'd in stage 1 APQ with the guy who recommended I apply here. I spend my days not eating apples and wondering if he regrets that decision. 5. Can you join discord?: Yes
1. Name / IGN: HisokaMorow 2. Level / Job: 139 Hero 3. Country / Timezone: US / EST 4. Tell us about yourself: I played a long time ago and recently just joined back; looking to make some friends again and get back into it. I'm currently a junior in college studying computer science. 5. Can you join discord?: Yes
1. Name / IGN: DaddyDK 2. Level / Job: 136 Dark Knight 3. Country / Timezone: US/ PST 4. Tell us about yourself: Played a long time ago and looking to join a group of people to start bossing! 5. Can you join discord?: yes
1. Name / IGN:KingSIayer 2. Level / Job: 120 Pally 3. Country / Timezone: USA / CST 4. Tell us about yourself: Born and raised in Cali but since converted to a Texan. Into having a good time, food, sports (mainly NBA & Soccer), music, tv & movies, food, chillin, 2nd dinners. Did the school thing and workin that 9-5 grind so you might see me on an hr or 2 a day and weekends. 5. Can you join discord?: yee