Hi guys, as I got lucky and managed to upgrade my sword, i'm selling this flame sword that I once used. Taking reference from another flame sword (wa 117) going on sale, S/B: 800m A/W: not determined yet WS/CS = 500m Flame Sword has same attack speed (4) as Red Katana, Maple Pyrope Sword. With booster, you can achieve the highest attack speed even without SI. Bid ends in 48 hours after someone starts the s/b. Will put on my shop if I see no offers after awhile Thank you and have a nice day~
you are welcome to use my calculation result. 117 Flame Sword + 20 att shield =130 ST so 118+ 20 shield = 131 ST
Since a wa20 shield is ~700m, those two items combined seem to match the price of a stone tooth with similar dps.. but I don’t wanna get into any intense debate here. Do let me know what you think is a good price then, I just took reference from another price since I have not seen anyone selling it before, thanks edit: and also the sword is 118, not 117!
Its for mid-game weapon and the s/b is higher than end game 132+ sparta. Lol. This prob only worth 200m.
I don't think it is as simple as "mid-game" weapon, there are a lot of threads that try to compare the weapons but to just bring up one: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/sword-comparisons.20163/ I think there are situations where it is troublesome to bring SI, which means this sword is convenient on its own. Your end game sparta will not win a end game flame sword unless there is SI, at least that is what I understand from those posts as I am still inexperienced. However, those calculations were with Red Katana, can you imagine how much higher the numbers are with Flame Sword? Lastly, I actually sold a wa 112 red katana for 400m, and a wa 114 flame sword for 600+m. Saying this sword is worth 200m is a bitttt of a stretch haha Edit: Another thread https://royals.ms/forum/threads/perfecting-red-katana-as-hero-endgame-weapon.72148/ where Shiyui's summary explains it well!
Interesting. Alright. I still think the s/b is still too high. I come back again when it is lowered. Thanks!
Thank you and have a nice day too, I am not very experienced as I only looked at another similar sword price, I will probably lower it by another 100m for those interested~ I use a flame sword myself so I can vouch that the dps is not bad!