So i got a spot setting up in ch 1 fm 2 right after server check. As i was about to put one item in to open up i dced. So I gave up on even trying to secure a spot anywhere but it says I haven't sold anything when I talk to Fredrick. I went back to fm 2 to see if my shop was there and it's not. A friend on my bl said that the only solution is to wait 24 hours? Is this really the only way or can a GM help with this situation? ._. Thanks -Tae
what do you mean? i already tried talking to fredrick and he says i haven't sold anything which implies that i have a store set up. i don't have a store set up however.
I don't know then. Maybe it's a bug and you should wait for a GM reply or just wait 24 hours/next server check.
It's a bug. Basically, the game thinks you set your store up when you didn't. You'll have to wait till the store expires which is why your friend suggested waiting 24 hours.
Unfortunately, the only fix to this is to wait out the 24 hours. I don't believe GM's can/will fix this for you.