You basically ask a question where you start with "have you ever ...." and the comment below answers with yes or no and a new question. I'll go first Have you ever made out with the same gender?
Yeah. It was with a pen and she said ow and I was like sorry because that's how you get the attention of girls you liked when you're young, rite? Adolescent years were confusing. Have you even been blunt to somebody you're trying to impress?
Since no1 is a sport Yes I have, I usually accidentally am. Have you ever woken up next to ur girl/ boyfriend or spouse, from a sex dream, and wondered if you were sleep talking? Lol
I'm convinced yandao is too young for my question, especially that term "making out" haha 8th grade Yolo For stan, No and never plan on it. Have you ever hit something while driving and decided not to look back, for your own sake?
Yes. I fell off my chair. Have you ever drank a bunch of coffee or took a caffine pill, but still felt really tired?
Yep. Have you ever walked into the kitchen, started preparing a meal, and then walked out forgetting what you were doing?
That's how I stay rich fuck a financial issue. Have you ever kissed a girl and likeded it? (More Katy Perry references)
Yes, I'm Bisexual. Girls are great to kiss...them soft lips, amirite? Have you ever pooped your pants as an Adult or Teen?
Nope. Being an asexual,I don't plan on it either, probably would run away from a situation like that. Have you ever questioned the possibility that we're all AI scripts and real life is just a program running on some nerd's machine?
Something similar, yes lol. Freaky. Have you ever wanted to leave work so bad you faked a family emergency / personal sickness to gtfo there?!