I was discussing with a few other yesterday and found some mutual frustration(may possibly be the wrong word to describe our feelings but mind blank) that we female characters couldn't buy and equip male nx equips and vice versa and was wondering if this could be changed so they were either genderless or there was some sort of bypass where you could buy and equip the opposite gender's nx covers?
Definitely would like to see something put into action for this. In game I have characters that are female. However (being a trans* identified person) I'd like to be able to equip male NX to take away a majority of that female-lookingness via NX equips since well... it causes that icky feeling of dysphoria for me. Not expecting people to accept or even understand dysphoria, simply a +1 to @Stan 's idea.
I would think that equips are a completely different thing than hair(coding wise). But I could be wrong.
Aren't both very similar? Maplestory uses genderless character models so any piece of clothing can be pasted on to any character.
I'm all for this idea. +100 Many modern games are using this concept and I honestly can't see any reason why it shouldn't be implemented here, should time and resources allow for it.