Class/Skill General Warrior Feedback (and "useless" skills)

Discussion in 'Closed' started by Cooler, May 26, 2020.

  1. Cooler

    Cooler Donator

    Nov 16, 2018
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    [this thread is often edited/updated. I sometimes post when changes have been made but I don't always bump it, so check back now and then and post any ideas you have!]

    howdy freaks!
    another sad thread about neglected, "useless" skills. and because i can't simply contain some of the ideas to my own brain, here we go.

    like my other terrible threads, this is a conceptual one. not every idea here is for consideration, some might be more speculative, to lean into different ways to think about applying or reconsidering "useless" skills

    the warrior class has some flat, lacking and dead-end skills in it's tree, so in the spirit of the class, here are some ideas to maybe enliven them.

    [--and to stress just once more before you start, this thread is focusing on neglected, "useless" skills. skills not used, considered useless in builds, almost never maxed (because of other builds) or skills you just dump points in to because you have to. these skills should be worth the investment and make you reconsider your skill build
    any skill not mentioned in this list is because it has great function no matter what level you're at.

    >>1st job

    warrior004.gif iron body
    iron body isn't bad for pig beach and maybe keeping you alive in cpq, but that's it. it's also really hard and unlikely to be maxed in first job. percentage based formulas breaks it in late game, and higher flat def boost makes the skill too broken early. i think:

    >>2nd job

    page003.gif final attack
    even if you put points in this as a joke, or legit want to use the skill, you will be humiliated to no end for putting points in it. the problem with FA is two, technically three, things: you can swing at nothing after an enemy dies, wasting time, and the FA slashblast damage is comically bad. the third, being that it takes 10 whole levels to master this.
    the reason you want to improve FA, and use it at all, is because it really helps the slower attacking weapons, BWs, polearms, axes, and some swords. when FA procs, the attack you fire off is a faster rate than your current weapon speed even with booster, so it really benefits these slower weapons users and makes the grueling journey from page to paladin slightly faster, but, the hang time when FA procs when nothing is there makes it redundant.

    • FA can't proc if there is no target(s) (like Assaulter)
    • slight buff to FA's slashblast damage. you can end up doing only double digit damage to some mobs because of it. for 10 levels of skill, that is bad.

    fighter003.gif RAGE
    the apropos name of the feeling a party experiences when a himbo warrior casts it w/o thinking or the parties consent. can't stack. consider:

    • instead of w.att, rage boosts str 20 (and reduces acc -20) a keeps characters in the "alert" status so they can't equip items to abuse rage mules. (you can cancel rage if you need to eq something since you'll be menuing and using the cursor anyway)
    • or just have rage stack. i really don't see the point of skills not stacking with potions, or vice-versa. in my dumb opinion, 15 minute onyx apples are offensively more OP than them stacking for 10 minutes, but shh shh shh we don't talk about the meta like that
    • or, rage is no longer a party skill and it can or can't stack
    • or, have a general rule in buffs that the higher buff remains? (Thanks Lolitsfunny for the suggestion). On this tangent it would also be nice to have a buff immunity UI, I can tell you as a sair i do not want hyperbody sometimes and always click it off in zak. Everyone can select rage/enrage and whatever else they don't want casted on their chars in parties to avoid overriding or cancelling in bosses which can be potentially dangerous

    spearman002.gif polearm mastery
    we'll talk about polarms more later with dragon knights

    • give PAs the axe mastery treatment, buff mastery to 70%.

    there is only one way to actually play dk's, and that's with a spear. pa mob training is a thing to some people in third job only. it's not real outside of this. you can't boss with polearms, period. if you want to be a polearm dark knight, you can't boss. it's also because spearmen can't max spear, and polearm, and final attack, so they just skip final attack to be "hybrids"

    page002.gif BWs, and specific 2HBW improvements
    having leveled a hammer page to paladin and watching my single line damage, I have to say, the low end of bw formula is very low sometimes. I'm ok with hammers not getting the axe treatment (+70% mastery and some increased speed weapons), in fact, I'll say this just for 2hbw specifically (though both 1h and 2h would be great) but throw them a slight "low-end" stabilizer, 5% chance to crit (big heavy weapon makes sense), or 5~10% chance to ignore w.def. Ignore def procs would stabilize dpm over time.
    If not, 5% mastery or more would help, but would make CS users even more wicked. The highs and lows of bw are very wide, especially 2h, and 2HBW is functionally obsolete, coming in 14% weaker in perfect conditions, than 1h. 2HBW, like PA, both need specific attention.

    • in 2nd job mastery/OR heavens hammer:
    • +65-75% mastery?
    • BW/2HBW have 5% natural crit (1/20)
    • BW/2HBW have some % chance to ignore w.def
    • "Reverb" damage for 2HBW (keep reading~)
    • or, most simply, remove the damage cap entirely from 2HBWs. this keeps them slow but let's them deal their uncapped potential, balancing them to where they should be naturally

    The main issue with bw (and specifically 2H) is speed. I'm fine with them being slow, but if we're talking about peak range, no matter what, any faster weapon will dominate, and we're slowly seeing the trend more and more to just increase the speed of weapons, which is a little worrisome to me, which already sees total 2H obsolescence.

    paladin011.gif 2HBW Reverb damage:
    another consideration is to keep 2HBW slow, but if you can KB, add "reverb" damage. So, if you KB, or can, 10% of your damage is immediately applied into an extra line splash right after that attack, like FA, but no animation, and costs you HP
    The idea is even if a sword hero on si at peak is going wild, a much slower peak 2HBW paladin with SI going wild can slightly close the gap with reverb impact damage. all attacks (blast most likely), except HH, that can kb a mob or boss get an added splash line of damage. 10% extra reverb damage to all attacks that can/do KB
    This could slowly stabilize the total damage and low speed of bw without raising speed or att, or even mastery %.
    These perks could be new inherent perks for all 2HBW, gained after BW mastery, or after max HH.

    This would perfectly preserve the slow/heavy nature of 2HBW, while improving it inherently and rewarding those who choose it, rather than be a slow throwaway option until you can afford a shield/CS, and reward those who can kb bosses, while adding dot to cappers without raising att speed. This could even be locked inside Heaven's Hammer if it feels too OP early game, but I really think it's balanced because of the speed of all early 2HBW (except the mithril maul)

    spearman006.gif hyper body
    no, HB is not useless. here's a few ideas mentioned in other threads that could help drks.
    • HB can raise max drk hp over 30k max if washed. Cb/shads effectively can have 60k hp. Let's them zerk and still tank end game bosses,
    • HB gives the user +23 jump for duration (maybe this will come up later... cause dragoons maybe lol)

    page008.gif power guard
    making power guard buff remain but have no effect on mounts would be a nice QoL. I mean potions are allowed on mounts now...

    page007.gif threaten
    • passive buffs to threaten on job advancements. +30 at 3rd job, +40 at 4th, total -100 def/acc total after 4th job adv. % based formulas are too op
    • and/or a more significant armor/acc reduction (like -70)?
    • work on bosses at a reduced rate + chance? but lower the duration, cost a lot more mp
    • increases damage of final attack
    • lowers KB threshold by 10%, or ignores kb threshold at 20% chance in threatened mobs?
    • also lowers m.def
    • slight increase in damage vs threatened monsters weak to poison and heal (the remaining elements paladins don't have).
    • -or slight increase in damage to neutral mobs (a "neutral ele" charge/multiplier)
    • deaggros mobs (makes them not target you/party members). a defensive tech
    • has mp eater chance effect when threatened mobs are killed
    (more threaten feedback in the third job section. some of these concepts could apply there)

    spearman005.gif iron will
    • passive +20 increase to iron will each job advancement. +60 total at 4th. again if it's not maxed, you won't get the full benefit.
    • or better scaling somehow

    in the highly unlikely event someone maxes iron will and iron body, i'll go on a limb and say, they ought to be rewarded for that

    >>3rd job
    hey, third job. third job has lots of creative growth and inertia BBB, and i love the style and skills warriors (and all classes) were given at this point. there are, sadly, lots of misfit skills in third job, though.

    dknight008.gif knight008.gif power crash/armor crash
    oh lookie here. let's talk about em. as they stand currently they have extremely limited, situational uses. as for armor crash, it can be dispelled by priests without a hero putting points in it, and no boss run is without an active or mule bs with dispel. power crash is vastly less useful than armor. here is some new suggestions:
    • [NEW] consuming 10 orbs and extra MP, Armor Crash can crash damage reflect
    • similarly, armor crash can simply normally crash DR, but drains more MP near DR, and has less % chance
    • or during [Enrage], armor crash can shatter DR, possibly requiring 10 orbs
    • Successfully armor crashing a buff in Enrage casts bonus debuffs to mobs/bosses, temporarily lowering w.def, m.def, and avoid, costs 100% more MP
    • Successfully power crashing a buff in Berserk casts bonus debuffs to mobs/bosses, temporarily lowering w. att, m.att, acc, and temporarily stops regen, costs 100% more MP
    • These extra effects from heightened-state enrage/berserk crashes swings the pendulum back, instead of just neutralizing the boss buffs, reclaiming lost damage/time and weakening bosses
    Armor up should only be dispellable via armor crash, not dispel, sorry.
    Both power and armor buffs from bosses should be a bit more severe, so crashes are relevant.
    Heroes getting a damage reflect crash through armor crash, or some conditional armor crash would be great, no class has this (snipe is another candidate). Power crash lowering att and acc if in zerk is a nice buff especially because drks so rarely get to use this skill

    knight002.gif shield mastery
    you knew it was coming. here's the conceit: if you choose to invest in this skill in third job, it should be worth it. just like all skills. but this one is just hard to love. bonus: chief bandits also get this skill. the difference is, they stopped making shields for CB's that actually had defense on them, instead leaning over the slippery slope into the bigbang "you get w.att, and you get w.att" territory with the khanjars. don't get me wrong, i like them, hence the passive shield def buff, because, and i can't stress, why would a cb invest in this skill when all viable shields have no defense on them...
    [here is a suggestion to replace CB shield mastery]

    • have shield mastery also passively increase shield w.def, which boosts itself with the % formula of the skill. something like +20-50 wdef, which becomes 40-100 w.def boost with max shield mastery
    • have shield give a passive avoid boost. something like +30-40 at max is a really fair buff for investing in this terrible skill, and jives with the defensive tech of the skill
    • shield mastery gives a passive +40 magic defense boost when wearing a shield.
    • max shield mastery adds +10% reflect damage when using powergaurd, or a flat 10% magic reflect with max shield mastery. highly reasonable buff for the 1h style world and the 20 point investment in this skill
    • Shield mastery passively raises your KB threshold if equipped with a shield. Formula is based on shield w.def and your level. This means you won't get get KB by "1s" anymore
    • Or shield mastery has a chance to lower KB distance

    Main issue, especially with wks, is maxing shield mastery is impossible because of the high level skills in 3rd, only 11 points max could be possible, and that's if mp recovery is entirely substituted, which is not recommended because it's so helpful in ht because of drain and 11 mp recovery will give you enough mp back to recast hero's will during seduce if you were drained right before sed

    night-walker_008.png captain009.gif advanced threaten, or "Despirit"
    adv threaten, or despirit would replace shield mastery, or magic/total crash on the WK skill list. Replaces threaten hotkey (likedoubleshot/tripleshot/rapid fire) would be a more severe debuff than 2nd job threaten. could do a few things:
    • requires max threaten. much greater mp cost and slightly reduced range and shorter duration and possibly a 10 sec cooldown
    • increases your damage slightly on ele neutral mobs, like +15% (bosses too). this gives 'attack'/powerstrike/slash blast/blast without a charge a boost, or ele neutral mobs an additional boost when despirited and using a charge (or not)
    • or gives an invisible poison/heal combined element charge effect on threatened mobs which would cover the remaining bases of elemental weaknesses
    • improves threaten's base def/acc debuff by x amount (perhaps -60 def, -40 acc, etc.)
    • deaggros mobs (defensive tech). like thieves first job skill disorder, makes attacking mobs ignore and wander around as normal. Not applicable to mobs that auto-target/auto-aggro
    • mp eater/drain effect proc on ko'd despirited mobs
    • increases final attack damage on despirited mobs. helps a lot with 3rd job damage. WK are probably the worst damage dealers of any class in 3rd job, especially bw users, final attack buffs them considerably when bossing like at HH or pap before blast is maxed because it boosts attack speeds on top of booster when FA procs
    • could lower magic defense as well (mage/archmages synergy)

    knight001.gif mp recovery
    • have WK's mp recovery skill have higher base. +40-50 at max.

    crusader008.gif total crash
    total crash, a custom royals skill replacing magic crash, now is a temporary party buff, working 75% of the time to breakthrough weapon cancel. love it, but maybe change the name lol?
    • Magic Crash (the original name)
    • Barrier Crash/Breaker/Buster/Fang
    • Shield Buster
    • Stratagem
    • Smite
    • Wallbreaker
    • Vital Crash
    • Critical Crash
    • Earthfang
    • Shellbuster
    • Goliath Tactics
    • Captain's Orders (derivative of absolutely nothing lol)


    knight009.gif shout!
    shout is a great skill.
    on paper. in action it sorta sucks. to give it some usage outside of wanting to shake the screen and hopefully other areas like bossing:

    • giveshout the (short) "threaten" effect everyone is asking for, lowered percent based weapon defense debuff (or temporary w.att debuff, opposite of pages) on bosses only, but only works 15%, and +6% each additional party member in the party (up to 45% at max level. costs more mp with more members) for a short window 20/30seconds lowering def -8/10%. To prevent mule abuse, this only works if you're the same level as the boss monster.
    • increases final attack damage on shouted mobs/bosses
    • short effects warrants recasting, and gives heroes an optional role that players seem to think they are losing. Other options besides -def: boosts parties m.def briefly, 10% chance to resist status effects for 20 seconds, or debuffs boss status accuracy, in turn giving a 10% chance to miss a status effect, or lessens the severity of 1/1 attacks (150/150 etc. with good timing, a hero could reduce incoming telegraphed 1/1s for the party with a shout)
    • have shout give some kind of short ap buff at max of +10 str, +20 avoid, and 30 def/m.def to the user and for those in range. something like 10-15 seconds at max. A heroic, encouraging shout, a decent buff for solo style and short buff for third/early 4th job bossing parties? again the idea is encouraging these lesser used skills to be used more frequently and have people rethink skill investment. Would keep you in alert/hit status to prevent equipment abuse.
    All these sound extremely niche but are very fitting and dynamic perks that give more focus and role in sll situations, which is always better than "hold down att, rebuff"

    knight005.gif knight006.gif panic/coma
    these are supposed to be finishers, but really it's better if you just keep combo up. these are essentially useless, 20 entire levels worth of skill points, unusable in 4th job skills. yeah, you can use them before your combo ends. but people don't. they're cool in pirate pq. they're not bad when hunting headless horseman, but you lose your combo. what do you think is a good way to make these skills more viable?

    • have panic inflict darkness, like it used to lol, and have it only work bosses with max ACA, 10 orbs and give them something like -15/20% accuracy for like 10 seconds only the user gets the benefit of reduced acc, not the party. this effect warrants panic to be recast every now and then
    • coma has mp eater effect? chance to briefly lower/ignore w.def? 10 second window. 100% crit? Chance to ignore cancel?
    • both have a chance to ignore weapon cancel X% (perhaps only under enrage)?
    • or, with ACA, neither panic/coma consume orbs now, but both now require 10 max combo to cast, and increased MP, but both go on cooldowns after use (can't use either one immediately after casting), 10ish, 15 seconds?

    etc., short additional effects that promote reuse, so players are rewarded for using them even if they don't drastically increase dpm

    >>dragon knights

    dknight009.gif dragon's blood
    this skill really ought to stack. it's a liablity to them, they lose hp under it's effect, especially later in the high stakes zerk state while bossing

    • change the w.att buff to +STR instead. whatever a fair amount would be. could be stackable with pots this way.
    • stacks/doesn't cancel potions?
    • increases magic defense and avoid +40
    • immune/resistant to poison/poison duration reduced. i mean you're bleeding out so...can't KO you, only ever leave you with 1 hp

    dknight006.gif sacrifice
    this is a very interesting skill.
    this attack, i believe, was supposed to work in synergy with berserk later on. it doesn't really do that so well, because in third job by itself, it's only ok. the ignore w.def is great but it's effect is within this single quick attack, which unfortunately doesn't compare to spamming fury/crusher. anyway, you can argue that you can just use sac instead of roar in certain situations, which you can, but it's other functions are weaker compared to roar and you're left with the choice to use the much stronger roar essentially. roar stuns you though. this should be considered the third attack instead of spamming crusher/fury til 200, it needs some more function perhaps

    • can attack through weapon cancels. makes sense and would be great reward for those who maxed it and risk using it, zerking or not
    • when using sharp eyes, if sac is used, the extra crit damage dealt can't KO the user/isn't factored. this is a QoL change that also makes using sac in bosses safer
    • increased damage while jumping/in air (...dragoon things lol)
    • additonal increased damage/can crit when sac is used in berserk, but doesn't multiply your self inflicted damage
    • uses slash animations when holding PA, stab when using spear, or increased ratio like 80/20 favoring your weapon?
    • beholder at max level prevents user from sacrificing below 2% of health? OR beholder prevents user KOing self when using sac, or going below 1hp
    • using sac in zerk slightly increases % of fury/crusher for the next few (3-5?) attacks. promotes use and synergy between lesser used and commonly used skills/spamming
    • berserk doesn't multiply sacrifices self inflicted damage, or, beholder restricts berserk from multiplying sacs damage
    • Or sac can ignore cancels when in Berserk

    dknight003.gif crusher/fury
    ok this is basically a mess and the meta stops polearms cold. you can't boss with a polearm. you have to use a spear. you can't use crusher with a polearm, you have to use fury. i think just having dragon fury and dragon crusher, not exclusive to weapon types would really make this simpler. i don't want to change or mess with the slash/stab ratios. there's just no point for polearm crusher. just like there's no point for spear fury. unless, however, the attack animations weren't forced, like blast, where it looks like a stab but it can be wild. even then, that causes end game meta weapon issues, and we can't breach the meta!
    really what would help is if polearm fury had an extra attack, or did way more damage, like blast, or could crit, something. i think opening polearms to bossing is what is important for the class here. crusher still stomps three enemies three lines at a time, that's amazing mobbing from possibly the strongest third job skill. a lot can be said or considered between the two skills, it's hard to say how to make it work best. maybe just changing polearm crusher to be wild instead of fixed? any input on this is highly welcome. it's essentially why i started this thread.

    • tweak polearm crusher to have a bit more balanced att%/formula?
    • polearm fury hits four enemies twice, instead of 6 enemies once?
    • polearm crusher is wild, doesn't have forced animation damage, like blast
    • crusher and fury do more damage when jumping/in the air (i know this is fucking way out there lol. have hyper body give +max jump to the user only)
    • fury gets some number of extra benefits when in berserk: increased attack speed, crit chance, damage boost, increased damage against single targets, or some combo of those
    • or have beholder improve polearm crusher/fury stats
    • crusher/fury do 80/20 animation ratios instead of fixed 100/0 stab/slash respectively
    • have final attack: PA work with pa fury, pa crusher (chance for +1 line at normal rate/att%). that way current hybrid builds will be unaffected and pure PA mastery/pa final attack drks are given viability for their investment
    • or just reverse the dragon skills for pa: pa fury hits 3monsters three times with similar att%, and pa crusher hits 6 enemies once for high damage, and adjust speed

    >>4th job

    hero002.gif monster magnet

    just remove the charge tech. give it like a 2-3 second cooldown, and change all the levels to success rate and distance. or decrease the charge time. players should be rewarded for investing in this skill, and it should be viable instead of so annoying to use that it's completely forgone.
    • divisive opinion but make hero's magnet slightly better since they really don't have much else going on in 4th besides brandish. Or give them a slightly faster rush?


    hero004.gif ACA

    no, aca isn't useless, just trying to think of more ways to make finishers have some 4th job relevance/utility
    • with ACA, neither panic/coma consume orbs now, but both now require 10 max combo to cast, and increased MP, but both go on cooldowns after use (can't use one after the other), 10ish, 15 seconds?
    • aca undispellable?

    hero009.gif ENRAGE
    kind of a weird skill. you see very high/max levels use it on small zak runs to save on apples, that's basically it unless you use it solo. not so much worth the investment when it doesn't stack and the current meta will never lower/nerf the apple standard

    • like rage, it would increase STR instead of weapon attack. +40/50/+? reduces accuracy -40/50/etc, increases m.def +100. increase max HP by 600/etc, also has the "alert" effect for the duration so mules can't be abused (you couldn't equip something in rage/enrage because of the alert status and would have to debuff yourself to change equipment so you can't abuse)
    • Or a combo of weapon attack and str
    • has a stun resistance %. something like: 30% chance to resist stun status, or chance to be able to attack but not move left/right/jump as usual in stun
    • has 20-25% chance to breakthrough cancel. can stack with crash
    • chance to always kb even if you can't, or reduce kb thresholds as a buff, or like KB with 70% chance with all attacks, like arans "smart knockback" skill
    • uhhhhhhh change the name to Adrenaline, or Heroics/Heroism. enrage just sounds too edgy lol
    • enrage speeds up the animation of rush and monster magnet (or hero naturally has slightly faster rush/magnet?)
    • lowers accuracy, consumes 10 orbs, diminishes potion healing effects by 10%?
    • while in enrage, reduces or has a chance to reduce orb consumption, thereby increasing finisher usage
    • reduces % based damage or 1/1s during enrage, meaning during enrage, 1/1 will leave you at like 250/250, etc
    • can't be dispelled
    • enrage drains HP/MP, or costs HP when using attacks
    • enrage reduces MP of all attacks, or has a chance to not consume orbs from finishers
    • or enrage gives panic/coma their aforementioned boosted effects, panic inflicting darkness, coma having an mp drain effect, or both finishers bypassing cancels at a high %
    • In enrage, can consume 10 orbs to crash DR with AC, costs all mp
    Lots of possibilities here, and I believe the much needed flavor and function hero's are lacking could hinge in how enrage gets buffed (please mother of god make panic inflict darkness though oh holy holy)


    paladin009.gif blast
    was completely unaware of this but blast starts of much weaker than power strike at level one. I figured one point would blow it away. then pallies really must max acb first, and then acb is muuuch stronger than lvl1 blast, so getting blast above 350% takes about 4 full levels after acb just to gain a slightly better 1v1 skill than acb. for these early 4th job levels, it's pretty rough and blast at least starting out at 360-380% but still ending up the same, would really help the late bloomer class of pages.

    >>dark knights

    darkknight006.gif berserk
    I know zerk is not a useless skill, but here is just a little feedback

    • scaling berserk. zerk being only on or off at 50% or less is a very risky and a hard on/off switch. something like:
    160% att increase at 70% hp (orange)
    180 at 60 (red)
    200 at 50 (purple)
    210 at 40 (indigo)
    and possibly color coding the animation of crusher/fury instead of sky blue, or the flashing horns effect in different states? i know, that's reaching though lol
    the theme of fighting harder the closer you are to death is one that really resonates with drks and this would make it feel more organic while having the same risk dynamic

    • when in berserk, increase/additional effects for
    dragons blood - extra attack boost/str buff, extra magic defense, mp recovery, sacrifice has chance to crit, chance to poison, some combo or variation of these, loses HP faster. the idea being in a heightened, dangerous state (zerk), and bleeding out, to boost the effects of the neglected dragon's blood to promote use at your risk​
    • berserk has a chance to ignore stun (or other status effects), or allows drks to continue attacking while stunned but not move. something like: 25-33% chance to ignore stun/other status. I think this is an important change. Drks have a very difficult/uncomfortable time living on the edge of life or death and wasting a lot of time because of zerk. A decent stun/status resistance buff from one of the beholder skills would be perfect
    • Zerk let's sac hit through cancels
    • Successfully using power crash in zerk has a chance to cast bonus debuffs to mobs/bosses, temporarily lowering w. att, m.att, and accuracy, costs 100% more MP
    hero005.gif achilles
    not useless, actually a great skill, but to bridge some funtional gaps in real implementation, I think drks out to have a slightly buffed Achilles since they live at half life or less at all times

    • drk's achilles gives 20% damage reduction at max level (woo this was implemented!)
    • or, achilles is boosted to +5% it's current level as a buff from max beholder, or in berserk with max berserk

    MS_Skill_Final_Blow.png ???
    here's a link to a thread that entertains the idea of royal/adventurer-ized "arans"
    And here is some great 4th job conceptual input for paladins and heroes from @smilinsphere

    and finally, a royals-specific skill page on the website would be great.

    ok. cool. that was fun. thanks for reading, don't freak out if you think something i said was especially dumb, like i said, these are mostly to get a creative ball/dialogue rolling (something i enjoy obviously) and help "useless" skills or skills in places that are sorta off or become useless after a certain point.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2022
  2. VoiceOver

    VoiceOver Donator

    Jun 3, 2019
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    Last edited: Jul 16, 2020
  3. Fr0zen

    Fr0zen Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2018
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    running outdoors cuz why not
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    (smells power creep)
  4. Cooler

    Cooler Donator

    Nov 16, 2018
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    Nah, just a regular creep smell.
    I'm really not trying to power creep, like none of my suggestion here or historically lean that way. I just want "useless" skills to not feel like you dumped leftover points in them, I want it to be a tough choice how you build your sp. Just round them out and make some actually worth it. Sac, shield mastery, shout (gets forgotten when you get rush), panic and coma in 4th, they all have good hearts but they collect dust. I love all the skills in the classes, really unique stuff, I just want the misfit ones to have a little more so builds aren't so linear and you get what you put in
  5. Ayane

    Ayane Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2015
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    fix power guard so will get -40% damage on bosses and not -20% o
  6. steamkong

    steamkong Well-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2018
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    -power overwhelming
  7. Hwaiting

    Hwaiting Donator

    Oct 10, 2015
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    Seems like you put a lot of effort into this, and while I don't agree with a lot of what you said, I think you make some valid points so +1 from me.
    icedem0n and Cooler like this.
  8. Lolitsfunny

    Lolitsfunny Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2016
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    i disagree with most of the points.
    I'm only a newbish white knight, but here are my two cents:

    agree with stacking in general.... the bare minimum is to only have the better buff active, but keeping the worse one in case it has more time than the better one

    for example: iron body gives +40 def, bless gives +20 def. if i already have iron body for 120 sec and i get bless for 200, i think i should have the iron body affect untill it runs out, and then another 80 sec of bless.

    i'll be more than happy to get 70% mastery on my BW..... currently it's 60%

    threaten is already underpowered skill without any reason to use it (waste of the cast time, 50% success rate and very little affect).... if something, is to make it work on bosses or make it passive (like crit shot for mobs) and nerf the effects... but honestly it demands some work...

    in general - DEF is kinda useless. i wish it wasn't so, but it just doesn't worth the effort and sacrificing offence.
    icedem0n, crusaderaura and Cooler like this.
  9. Cooler

    Cooler Donator

    Nov 16, 2018
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    Threaten is technically a party skill. It should definitely affect bosses imo, maybe at a reduced rate. 50% success isn't bad, but could be improved (the plus 10 at each job advancement becomes +80% in 4th job in my suggestion). Could you tell me exactly the max stats on threaten in royals? I deleted my white knight like a year ago, and woops about the bw mastery mistake, will fix that

    Threatens best usage is in the ludi pq when you can cast it on the invisible shadow guys and track them in the dark.
    The minus accuracy is probably the best reason to use it, you can help a party avoid damage.

    Again, any input from users to improve it or any other skill or suggestion here is what this is all about. I just try to avoid overpowered suggestions and work the angles of the skill itself and the class using it to think bigger inside the same box, if that makes sense.

    Also I'm going to add your override idea to the op
    Last edited: May 26, 2020
  10. Cooler

    Cooler Donator

    Nov 16, 2018
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    Thanks. If you feel up to it, would love to hear what you felt was valid, and also what you didn't agree with. Like I said, these are shapes of suggestions, not set in stone "I want it like this" kinda thing
  11. Gallimar2

    Gallimar2 Donator

    Oct 2, 2017
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  12. Cooler

    Cooler Donator

    Nov 16, 2018
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    Just edited some wording on threaten and some bullet point suggestions to shield mastery and zerk
    • +10% extra reflect damage when using powergaurd when equipped with a shield with max shield mastery. Or a flat 10% magic reflect with max shield mastery?
    • berserk scaling

    also added a beholder-sacrifice suggestion, crusher/fury ratio suggestion, and changed violet to indigo, and suggested just changing the horns effect color in scaling

    added suggestion to change dragons blood w.att to a str buff
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2020
  13. Cooler

    Cooler Donator

    Nov 16, 2018
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    a shameless server check bump

    -enrage gives stun resistance %
    -pa mastery works with pa crusher/fury at same chance/att% rates
    -berserk gives stun resistance %, or ability to attack in zerk while stunned, but not move your char around while stunned
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2020
    Gabriel A likes this.
  14. Jooon

    Jooon Donator

    Mar 5, 2015
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    Look at nightlord useless skills :eek:
  15. Rhynhardt

    Rhynhardt Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2019
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    @Tim I just want to preface that I do understand you put a lot of thought into changes with the staff but thought I'd ask directly since I can't understand why the following hasn't been changed;

    Stance 100% effectiveness.

    My thoughts are that warriors should get this privilege as our DPS thresholds, even with a 10% increase (incredibly simplified) would only bridge the gap between characters but still hold the same placements. It gives warriors more consistency and a net benefit that is minuscule enough to not change the meta but be a quality of life change. With boss abilities such as stun/seduce being effective through stance, it doesn't give us a immortal buff either. Would love to hear your thoughts on it!
    LimeOnyx and Lolitsfunny like this.
  16. Lolitsfunny

    Lolitsfunny Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2016
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    I'll quote myself from another post about Threaten:

    Dunx likes this.
  17. Cooler

    Cooler Donator

    Nov 16, 2018
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    Sounds better than monster magnet, like, way better. I like it if it keeps it's current range and doesn't speed monsters up, and doesn't do any damage, then yeah I like the aggro idea. But I think the job adv scale is the simplest and easiest way to scale it to keep it relevant. Besides, that would make hh overpowered (hh +threaten = pally dragon roar with no stun or hp loss)
    Lolitsfunny likes this.
  18. vanizshotz

    vanizshotz Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2019
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    I think you are overestimating the effects of weapon def, the higher the weap def, the lower the effect ...
  19. Super Starlight

    Super Starlight Member

    Jun 16, 2020
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    The cupboard under the stairs
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    Increasing Power Guard’s duration would be a huge QoL change that would have next to no effect on balancing. 90 seconds is laughably short. The majority of buffs last 180-200 seconds (there are some outliers). Having Power Guard be a similar duration would let you reasonably stick it on a macro with other skills.
  20. itu

    itu Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2015
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    ice valley 2
    stop trying to change the game

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