quasi-ATT= Spoiler: Why this Definition. Taking my NL for example. 7 DEX 3 LUK 14 att pow does NOT give the same range as a 16 att scg. However, it allows me to keep 25 base DEX instead of getting 32 DEX. As a result, I can have 7 more base LUK. At lvl 161 I have 800 base LUK, if I am not using the pow, I only have 793 (in order to have enough DEX for craven). The ratio is taken as 5:1 because to give the same amount of range, 4-6 primary stat = 1 weapon att. 5 primary stat works the about same as 1 ATT. For me, with red cider, the ratio is about 5.7, with stopper 5, and with apple 4.1. I will be giving away 10.4 to 11.8 quasi-ATT gloves. Post here or pm me a screenshot of your character detail. (The one with your level, STR, DEX, LUK.) Since the gloves has a level requirement of 60, I will be giving to char with level 50 - 135. After you post your char detail, please leave a time duration in which you will be online, and the gloves you want. These gloves are free. BM gloves 7/7/9 Riizun 4/8/9 bakono123 Thief gloves (no more left) 2/7/9 turtlepoop
hi ....maybe i will be first one....i like to take the wa9 str2 dex8. usually i will be online at 830 to 1430
Hi I just hit lvl 60 I would like a pair of thief gloves. It would help a lot!! I’ll take any pair of thief gloves IGN: noxin I’ll be home after work today around 4:00 cst Thank you so much
Hello Zeno, I am a level 55 sniper. My in-game-name is Snipingeye I can get on at around 10:30am-12 noon EST. Is it possible if I can receive the 11.8 quasi-attack Dark Garner? Please let me know, thank you!
Thanks! I don't know if it is okay for not, but if you no longer have anymore thief gloves left, I will take that Dark Garner I asked for. ^^ It's just that I am thinking about starting a thief. ^^ Will meet you at the mentioned time. ^^ Sorry for the trouble! :O
Can i have the 7dex / 7str / 9att glove pls ? is my first bowman and my second charc pls pls , answer me here or send me a friend req , i play all days
I will be online for the next 1 hour: August 05, 2018 08:01:50 - August 05, 2018 09:01:50 My mule will be in ch 12 fm. If you haven't post your char stat panel ss, please do so. If you haven't claim gloves but you wanna get a pair, you are welcome to.
Do you have any more thief gloves by any chance? Otherwise happy to take 7/4/9 bowmen gloves if you dont mind. IGN: Winaxter
If I started two weeks is it consider new? I'm currently playing a cleric but would like to play a crossbowman soon as it's the class I see less. So it would help if I could have one...the 7/8/8 would be good if have. I usually on at 7pm to 11pm GMT+8
Good Day, i was wondering if the 11 attk Dark Garner are still available?the 7str 8 dex 8watt ones. please let me know
hi....i took your glove last time. now i bought my wa15 glove. so i like return the bowman glove to you.