Hi! Here are some MapleRoyals challenges, open to anyone. Feel free to partake. No exact time period to complete. Some may seem impossible. Some require immense amounts of willpower. Most may not even be worth the prize lol. I will try to increase it if I can manage the money. All submissions require complete video proof and/or screenshots. Prizes are only given to the first person/party to complete the challenge. Prizes, objectives, and rules are subject to change at my discretion, but whatever is live here stands. Any proof requiring ~servertime must be dated after Sept 3, 2021. Prizes are given out in bcoin and/or ws/cs @ 500m each. Horntail Solo Spoiler: Challenge description Prize: 15b or Janus Sword + Sachiel Sword Objective: Actually "solo" Horntail. Rules: No buffs before entering the preheads. Mules must be controlled by you. Shadower attacker: No mules are allowed. NL attacker: allowed 1 SE mule. Only allowed to cast SE. May not attack, cast echo, cast mw, cast summon, or be the sed target. Any other attacking class: allowed 1 sed/buff mule that is not a thief or bishop. May not attack or echo or cast mw. Proof required: Complete video of the entire kill from entry to drops with ~servertime at the start and end. My notes: I believe only a shadower can complete this challenge because of the ability to survive 3 seds in a row using will/smoke/will. I have gotten up to killing wings+head C on an ironman. Completed by Comediante Spoiler: prize Legendary Collector Prize: 10b + Peter Pan Hat Objective: Obtain Legendary Collector on a new character within 168 hours (1 week) of character creation. Rules: None. Just get the medal. Proof required: Video of quest logs showing when you left Maple Island and when the medal was issued, both with ~servertime My notes: These days, I think one can get 400 sets within a week. The only question is whether you can do it within 1 week of character creation. Quest Specialist Prize: 5b + 12 att pgc Objective: Obtain Quest Specialist on a new character within 72 hours of creation. Rules: None. Just get the medal. You may pre-farm all the etc. Proof required: Video of quest logs showing when you left Maple Island and when the medal was issued, both with ~servertime My notes: Definitely doable. Warrior-class Mu Lung Dojo Solo Prize: 5b or Ice Flower Objective: Solo Dojo 3 times in a row without dying. Rules: Warrior-class only. No outside buffs. No attack potion buffs. You are allowed to save and exit on the rest floors in order to heal up instead of resting your way to max hp/mp. Proof required: Video of the entire 3 solos. No cuts. ~servertime must be performed after every run's completion. My notes: I have no idea how hard this is but killing pap 3 times in a row without dying and attack potions seems quite hard? CWKPQ 15 bonus boxes Prize: 5b or Ice Flower Objective: Break and loot everything from all 15 boxes on the right side of the CWKPQ bonus. Rules: No using mobility skills (FJ, tele, recoil shot). All classes welcome. You may use pets and SI. Proof required: Video of the entire bonus. ~servertime must be done before or after entering bonus. My notes: I can do it on the left side but the right side is much harder. 5k NX cards farm god Prize: 5b or Ice Flower Objective: 100 5k nx cards in a 24-hour period Rules: Please don't include cards that a GM physically drops for you (e.g. you won 1st in an event and get dropped 50k nx). Edit: Also do not use red envelope turn ins! Please don’t abuse the spirit of the challenge! Proof required: Video of inventory before starting the challenge and after the challenge, both with ~servertime. No more than 24 hours may elapse between the ~servertime messages. My notes: Run every boss before and after reset and then farm area bosses like mad. Might make this 50-75 later. Idk APQ bonus Prize: 2.5b + Mercury Gloves Objective: Obtain 15+ apples in 1 bonus stage. Rules: The apples must come from boxes that you have hit 3 or more times. Not eligible during Valentine's event APQ buff. Proof required: Video of the bonus stage with ~servertime afterwards. My notes: I don't know, I guess I will give a reward for being extremely lucky. LPQ sub-7min time Prize: 1b per party member Objective: Get into the bonus stage by 53:00 on the clock. Rules: None. Proof required: Video of the entire PQ with ~servertime afterwards. My notes: Now that post 2nd job skills can't be used in this PQ, it comes down to every member performing and then getting lucky on stage 8. There might be more to come if I think of them. Open to suggestions and feedback, too. I have some other ideas but I'm not up to date with the easiness/feasibility of some stuff. For example: an archer soloing Auf Haven (final boss).
“I believe only a Shadower can completely this challenge…” Challenge accepted, but after I’m off work. REEEEEEEE Edit: Gl to those attempting rn! (Can there be consolation prizes for late submissions lelelel?) Edit2: Gz @Comediante on completing! Thanks for saving me and a lot of others a lotta stressful hours (and apples) @jamin if you decide to add a prize for non-shad, let us know!
Update: made a couple edits in bold but nothing really changed. Might very slightly update something again later that I oversaw based on feedback. Nah I have done it and I don’t think it meets the difficulty I’m looking for in these challenges! Maybe! If I have money and I think the submission was well deserved, then I’ll try to give something but no promises
Can be done with a certain strategy i will not reveal, but tbh, way harder than HT solo challenge...so for the prize listed kinda not worth it at all
500k NX with 1:4000 ratio is already 2b kekkk. If someone can do this, just do this everyday.. @SuchFineEyes
Omg... LOL, just by see this im using my nuts as a necklace....cannot imagine how u felt...gz on such a huge acomplishment Hen
Ayy congrats! I watched a bit of the run and I’m a bit intrigued in the specific approach you took but hey, it got the job done in less than 24 hours lolol. Like bruh I spent weeks planning my solos. I was thinking there would be a lot more 1/1s hitting and way more double seds and chances to die but nope! I will get you your prize hopefully within the next few days when I can log on.
Thanks for the set of intriguing challenged and generous offer of prizes! Re: warrior dojo solo, if your char is not level 200 yet, can you get echo buff from a different char before entering?