Hello, I am giving away 10m mesos to each person. everyone is eligible ^o^ 10m per person! please do not create multiple forum accounts for this! please post your ign on this thread and find me in-game! NOTE: I will be officially stopping this on 4/20/2021 as I have been struggling to find people online >< and I'm also having trouble committing to this (by staying online constantly). I'll try to find another way to give things away. Sorry sorry~
this would be so nice since I just started and literally have fence glove. the only nice thing I have is purple gaia cape and thats the only good gear i have Dx IGN: Miyukibito
I saw this list top listed and wrote my name, i did however not accept the mesos because they are better off to others, see the postbas a free bump for good purposes. About the chair, it might have 5b to someone else but not too me although i'd like one chair tagged with each GM.