GM : Do you have any more evidence? Please submit it all. Player : no sorry GM : I've banned XXXXXXX 3 days for his first offense. But next time please take a screenshot asking him to change channels please. wow Gm can ban us without evidence ~~ Eye-opener ~~
Moved to feedback. And if you feel you have been banned unfairly then feel free to open a ban appeal thread.
Thank for moving ~~ You mean I can also report everyone without evidence , then let them open a ban appeal thread ~? Why not GM authorize report more Cautious ? btw I have been unbanned.
The reason she ask if the reporter had more proof is because the reporter first provide only 1 screenshot and than provide another. With that she might thought the reporter had even more screenshots and thus she ask the reporter if he has more. The first SS shows the KS and the second shows the knowledge snoop owns the map with mapowner and the other person disagreeing with it and killing more stuff, thus the report is valid because mapowner always wins. I could be wrong here but that's how I see it, so I see nothing wrong with the report nor GM action.
You're not banned without evidence, though, as @Kimberly already pointed out. There's 2 screenshots and whereas they aren't the best in terms of proving the point, they're still valid (unedited) evidence of someone KSing the other while that other person has the ~mapowner rights. Asking for more evidence doesn't mean the current evidence doesn't warrant a ban.