So today i faced situation that seriously pissed me off. I was standing in FM1 Ch1 and watched movie then noticed a FM shop drop and opened mine, ofcourse i dont know whos store was there but after that i was notified whos was it. So i opened my store and went back to watch movie and a little later i noticed someone elses store pop up on mine. That dude whos shop popped up was like "are you serious?", and told me that hes gonna ~gm to get my store closed on his. Its not my problem that it takes over minute to get an shop up... Last time i know it was whos seting up store first, that player gets the spot. GM Dimitri told me that he checked logs and that hes store was up there before (xiaomei) and hes gonna close mine because his was up already yesterday and because of that he owns this spot no matter what. Maybe i can say it that way, im sure before the MapleRoyals wipe and new rates server i had spot right on FM1Ch1 door spot, can you close those shops because i was there 3 years ago? Doesnt make sence what GM Dimitri sayd, i opened my store first so im suppost to stay there not that player for who takes minute+ to set up an store with 1 item.
Here's the merchant timers for you: I don't know why you mention yesterday or even 3 years ago.. All I was trying to tell you is that you were slightly slower than him when it came to starting to open up your merchant. I've checked the timers at least 4 times to make sure that I didn't make any mistake here, and every check had the same result. And here's for the community to see how friendly you are in whispers.
There is nothing to discuss and you are only ranting that your store was closed, correctly with the rules. Moving this.
Timer obviously is lying then. Im more than 100% positive that my shop opened up first. I was watching movie like i sayd, his shop dissapeared and it was like quite some time. I decided to open mine. Ive put my 5-6 items in and opened it. Little later like i sayd his popped on mine. I noticed because as you see my BS Player screen goes straight with the line. He didnt even notice i opened store first, read the chat. He was still adding his items when mine was already opened.
Check my picture where he admits himself that he opened after me. Thats your truth you need to say, looks like logs been lying first time?
But that's under the assumption that the timer starts when you open the store when in reality, it starts when you enter the name.