[Guide] Newbie's road to Max meso.

Discussion in 'Guides' started by OldOwl, Mar 1, 2023.

  1. OldOwl

    OldOwl Donator

    Mar 4, 2014
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    Often I meet newbies who ask for prices, beg for items and meso and generally are not sure on how to build a fortune relatively quick.
    If you can think of creative ways to make meso fast, please contribute :)

    ~monSun of all: Read the rules and rule 8 extension.
    :PBLove: Moon of all: Vote daily!
    Vote Abuse - The act of attempting to, or successfully, bypassing the restrictions of voting no more than once per day (UTC). Please be aware that, in cases of severe abuse as per discretion of Staff, we reserve the right to respond with a permanent ban regardless of if it is your first offense. - Staff
    Avoid bypassing intentionally or unintentionally, bypassing cases: Voting on different pc/laptop/phone/Virtual Machine connected to a different network source (Mobile/Main/Neighbours) with a different ip pool or using VPN. Even if you are completely isolating your accounts, bounding them to a constant unique network source that is not used for your main, eventually all your connections will be detected and all your goodies be contributed to Fredrick in the Free Market:admindab:.
    :magician: First char: Mages are meso generators! Create a Bishop or a F/P Arch.
    1. Sell Leech - All leech maps, Bishop end-game leech. F/P leech mentioned in F/P guide above.
    2. NPC drop - Check the library, hover over item stats to see max potential stat range. Sell everything that is out of the godly system to any tradable NPC.
    3. Keep godly drop - Keep anything that is 1-5 stats above possible max regular stat. Perfect clean gear can yield a lot of meso. Check prices in these guides. Use Owl on super expensive items for price-to-date accuracy.
    This will help you generate good ~mesos daily.

    :warrior::warrior::warrior: Fame Service: It is possible to open multi accounts and use multi clients in MapleRoyals.
    1. Create 16 accounts (less/more) with 6 (max) characters each.
    2. Level them all to level 7, increase only STR (These are only mules) for quicker leveling.
    3. Use your mage ~f17 to level them all up to 15 (Unlocking fame system)
    4. Put them all in one FM room for ease of providing the service and saving time.
    5. Daily harvest of 100,000,000 ~cash .
    ~ws~cs Gachapon: Use your NX mainly for gachapon, while not as stable as APR, the peaks can be by far worth it.
    • Tip: Create a dedicated character on a separate account for each of the type scrolls: 10%/ 30%/ 60%/ 70%/ 100%/ 100% Event and other.
    • Tip: Buy only 30,000 NX gachapon packages (35 tickets).
    • Tip: Have a dedicated character for Power Elixirs and Elixirs, in bulk they generate good ~cash, commonly obtained in gachapon runs.
    1. Mushroom Shrine: Arguably the best place to use your gachapon tickets at. Yields:
    • Chaos Scroll (~cs) one of the 'crypto currencies' in Royals, usually stables around 500,000,000 ~mesos
    • 30%/70% Scrolls. Some of them worth good ~meso, keep them on dedicated characters.
    • Elemental Wand 6 - Most of them worth above 10,000,000 and a perfect one goes into the ~bcoin's range.
    2. New Leaf City: Potentially yields same profit, however the items are less flexible and reusable.
    • White Scroll (~ws) the other 'crypto currency' in Royals, usually stables around 500,000,000 ~mesos
    • 10%/60%/100% Scrolls. Some of the 60% worth high ~meso~meso, keep them on dedicated characters.
    • Elemental Wand 5 - Most of them worth above 10,000,000 and a perfect one goes into the ~bcoin's range.
    • Stonetooth Sword - Above 106 attack are worth good ~meso and a perfect one is around 1-1.5 ~bcoin 's.
    3. Less profitable gachapon locations.
    :spoop: Merchanting
    • Tip: Stock enough items / scrolls for a few full shops before opening one.
    • Tip: Purchase the 14 day shops or Spring Store permit only.
    • Tip: Don't forget to collect your items from Fredrick every 24hours. After 100 days, all your items and meso from a closed shop are gone.
    • Tip: Keep an eye on announcements, if a server check or server down is scheduled usually there are in-game notifications before shutdown. Place a character with available store in one of the first fm rooms (Close if yours is currently open and take all items, failing so will not let you reopen store once the server is back up), move around the map and cc back and forth just to understand where will you spawn the moment you log in if you disconnect at 'x' position. Disconnect the character at desired position. Track the clock available on the official MapleRoyals website and wait for server to open, usually you can log-in up-to channel selection minutes before server is open, giving you the upper hand of saving a few seconds. Get in and do fast ninja moves to open a store first. Usually, FM1-3 are full within first 30 seconds from server opening. Successfully getting a spot unlocks the hidden perk of Increase sale rate by up to 100%, increase profit by 10%.~meso
    • Tip: Keep an eye on events, some let you get valuable items as prize, during this period you should buy and stock up on cheaper than usual items such as ~cs, ~ws or ~onyx.
    1. What should you sell in your stores? (Listed by sell speed)
      • ~cs and ~ws.
      • Expensive Skill books ~bcoin's.
      • ~miracle and other valuable 30%/ 60%/ 70% scrolls.
      • Clean perfect/ almost perfect gear.
      • Scrolled/ Partially scrolled gear.
      • Anything you bought cheap, 10%+ below market price is already profitable.
    2. For how much should you sell an item?
      • Check the price guide.
      • Use Owl of Minerva if the item value is above 50,000,000. Costs 3,000,000 from NPC in FM.
      • No price references? No problem. Don't rush to sell until you find an answer.
      • If you need to quickly liquidate, you can always owl a price of an item and list it slightly lower than usual to guarantee a quick sell. Single item, should be listed for lower price than lowest for same item. If you have a bulk, place for price slightly lower than similar quantity bulk (Can be from a group of people or a single person) price.
    3. Where to sell
      • Channel 1 FM1-6. (Fastest, most profitable)
      • Channel 2 FM 1-3.
      • Auction on Forum after reading the bump rule. You should in general read Forum Rules as well.
      • Any Channel any Fm that were not listed above (Slowest, Lower profit)
    ~miracle Scrolling Items
    Remember the characters you've opened priorly? each dedicated to a specific scroll type, and all the leftover clean gear from your mage hunts that was not sold? Now it is a perfect opportunity to put them in good use. However, there are mainly two types of scrolling: average and chaos.

    • Avarage scrolling (10%/30%) - You take all the Maple weapons (..that you gather during anniversary event) and clean gear your mage found and attempt to scroll them. The closer they are to being perfect, the more 30% worthy they are. If they are not within the godly system ( that increases the possible stat beyond max regular ), but are perfect average or one below, don't NPC them, use a 10% on them and then 30%'s. The more 30%'s you land, the more ~mesos you generate. Stopping at +3 is a good starting point for profit. 60%/70%/100% event are rarely worth it profit wise, therefore use them only if you plan on using the item.
    • Chaos scrolling 60%. Not all items worth the precious investment and sometimes you will be greeted by disappointment.
      Items chaosed commonly for profit:
      1) Stormcaster gloves
      2) Facestompers shoes
      3) Dragon Khanjar
      4) Perfect clean high level double stat gear.
      5) LIST WILL BE UPDATED LATER and pictures will be added :)
    :VLparchment: Crafting
    Zancks' 2023 Crafting Guide is awesome and complete.

    :donke: Events and Party Quests
    • APQ: Apples are a profitable thing, to get them you need to get married.
      Tip: Buy marriage ticket during the valentines event with (50%) discount.
    • CWKPQ: Clean godly spectrum goggles will yield a few good ~bcoin's.
    • Keep an eye on Events! Some events lets the users enjoy high demand items with easier reach. Use the opportunity to stock up on cheaper than average items during the event for a potential profit after the event ends.
    ~manon Bossing for Profit
    There are many profitable bosses in Royals, whether for NX cash cards (Gachapon material), or for precious items and skills books (MW20 ~bcoin~bcoin, Gene30 ~bcoin,...)
    LIST WILL BE UPDATED LATER and pictures will be added :)

    :bpoop: Owl-Chess
    The game of rich and powerful. Controlling a single item server wide is a very profitable investment if executed correctly.
    Objective: Find a commonly traded item, buy the whole accessible server stock, sell for profit.
    For hopefully delivering a clearer message, I use chess pieces as metaphors to bulk/ price power.
    • 'Pawn' - 1 points in chess. Metaphor to low bulk (sub 5 in scrolls for example), or low price (much lower than your planned sell price). Has weak market impact and cannot meet the daily server demand.
    • 'Bishop' - 3 points in chess. Metaphor to low+ bulk (sub 15 in scrolls for example), or average price (much lower than your planned sell price). Has some market impact but cannot meet the daily server demand.
    • 'Knight' - 3 points in chess. Metaphor to medium bulk (above 15 in scrolls for example), or above average price (closer to your planned sell price) . Has market impact and can meet the daily server demand.
    • 'Rook' - 4 points in chess. Metaphor to any bulk, at higher price than your planned sell price. When your 'King' is in game, any existing 'Rook' simply glorifies you.
    • 'Queen' - 9 points in chess. Metaphor to a threatening bulk (bigger than yours / big enough to make it hard to swallow meso wise), also a metaphor to your own fortune.
    • 'King' - priceless in chess. Your Bulk is your King!
    1. Find a commonly traded item such as a scroll of any type, stormcaster gloves, brown workgloves, facestompers, really anything that moves frequently in the FM. Item is 'X'.
    2. Evaluate your possible investment. You should almost never practice this if you have less than at least 5 x ~bcoin's to invest.
    3. Prep -stock on Owls and for one week, everyday: early morning, noon and late evening search for item 'X' via it.
    4. Record findings - Screen shot or write on plain A4 paper (like I do) all the recorded price information of the 'X' item server stock. You need to know:
    • How many 'X' items are available.
    • For how much.
    • Where/ Sold by whom.
    • Total current server bulk price.
    5. Analyze Records - Take a while to calculate and think, eventually you must have:
    • A clear understanding of market/price breakdown for item 'X'.
      1) What % of server bulk is set at price that is not accessible, bulk at this price remains untouched day by day. Lets call it a 'Rook' listing.
      2) What % of server bulk is set around above average price, few individual listings should be here. Lets call it a 'Knight listing'.
      3) What % of server bulk is set around average price, most individual listings should be here. Lets call it a 'Bishop listing'.
      4) What % of server bulk is set at below average price and in small quantities, sold usually after one's first owl attempt. Lets call it a 'Pawn listing'.
    • Total amount of ~bcoin's needed to eat every single: Pawn, Bishop and Knight.
    • Amount of ~bcoin's needed to eat all Rooks.
    • Daily bulk change rate: Is it growing or slowly going down on daily change?
    • Demand vs. Supply -> Derived from the previous point, How high is the demand?
    6. Risk Analysis -
    • Item source: Gachapon/ Boss/ Mob Drop. a different risk level is involved.
      1) Gachapon only item: Has the most stable, predictable behaviour.
      2) Boss drop items such as MW20 or Gene30 are rarely unstable but sometimes are chaotic.
      3) Mob Drop only item: Has fast inventory refill. Risk to counter is higher.
      4) Mob drop and obtainable from gachapon requires most aggressive moves to control.
    • Daily change - items whose bulk is in constant decrease is easier to control than items that are constantly overflowing the market. Stable market is okay too.
    • Events - whether upcoming or current. Consider its impact on item 'X'.
    • Time to sell bulk - If the daily demand is low and total stock is high, it will be a long game of draining the market constantly.
    • Your budget: Untouchable spot is 10 x total market value for item 'x'. High Risk - budget is only 2 x total market value for item 'x'.
    • Calculate potential profit. Your price should be Lower than lowest 'Rook' but higher than highest 'Bishop' to make profit. The closer you are to the previously highest 'Knight' the better your profits are, however, the longer it takes to sell the bulk. Sometimes it is unavoidable to set price at a bit higher than previous highest 'Knight' rate, especially if it is a strong 'Knight' with a big bulk. However, if you see mainly 'Bishops' and a few weak (low bulk) 'Knights', consider lowering your price just slightly below them for quicker market shake.
    7. First move - your choice, however, patience does pay in chess!
    • If 'knights' are weak (low bulk) - buy out and remove from owl every single 'pawn' and 'bishop' listing. (low risk)
    • if 'knights' are strong (high bulk) Soft Opening - buy out and remove from owl every single 'pawn' and 'bishop' listing. (lower risk)
    • if 'knights' are strong (high bulk) Hard Opening - buy out and remove from owl every single 'pawn', 'bishop' and 'knight' listing. (higher risk)
    'King' listing - Put your bulk for sale, if 'Rook' exists, price it below the 'Rook' logically, if does not exist, price it as double to triple your investment.

    8. Game is on!
    On a daily basis (Somewhen in the morning, Somewhen in the evening or night, you'll get the feel of it) use owls to:
    • Hunt for casual 'Pawns' and 'Bishops', add them to your bulk. Keep track of your additional expenses.
    • Keep track of sudden market changes for item 'X', e.g. 'Queen listing' -> someone with bigger bulk, decides to nest right under your 'King' listing. Forcing you to either move your 'King' or use your 'Queen' (Your ~bcoin coins) to deal with the situation.
    • Allow 'Rooks' to build above you.
    • Repeat Step 8 again until you become tired. You should begin to get tired when your profit surpassed initial investment and you still hold close to 50% of your bulk.
    9. Dirty moves.
    Certain market changes will force you to react while the others are open to your liking and personality.
    • 'False King' -> Have a character or a few characters with max meso on it, open a regular store, put item 'X' for way lower than it is. The higher the Bulk and amount of listing in owl the more psychological impact it has. While items will not be purchasable, it will slowly drive the market price down, where one falls - others follow. Also, remove the bulk off market until 'False King's are dead.
    • 'Council of Bishops' -> Exhaust the market on an hourly basis by buying out any new listing that is listed below your price. However, pay attention to potential profit threats, adjust 'King' listing correspondingly (slowly increasing 'x' price might result time penalties at selling). For this to have more effect, place your store in FM1-3 channel 1.
    • 'In Queens favor' -> perform the 'Council of Bishops' and remove your bulk off market, release product at higher price than previous and in limited amount (90% or less of daily market demand), someone has to stay hungry so that the Queen can feast.
    10. Defensive moves.
    Sometimes you must defend your 'King' listing from threats. If your 'Queen' is fat enough in ~bcoin's you have nothing to worry about.
    • Someone checks your 'King' with a 'Queen' listing. A threatening bulk (Anything close to your selling power, amount of product on listings) appears on owl results...
      1) Diplomatic approach: Try contacting the 'Queen', you might agree on a discounted price for their bulk, silently removing a threat with additional potential profit.
      2) You move your 'King' under the 'Queen'. If it keeps repeating itself too many times, your profit reduces significantly and it is a good time to consider the forbidden 'False King' move, putting the opponent's 'Queen' into locked-out-of-trade position until it moves again, because people will start adding product 'x' at lower prices on which you shall continue feasting, bypassing the 'Queen'.
      3) You perform the 'In Queens favor' move. However, if someone is trying to get rid of their bulk, consider it wisely with reflection on risk analysis. Always force try the diplomatic approach within the margins of the good taste.
    • Someone checks your 'King' with a 'Pawn' or a 'Bishop'. You eat them gladly!
    • Someone checks your 'King' with a 'Knight'. Medium bulk, price is lower than 'King' listing and is enough to cover the daily demand of the server. You try the diplomatic approach first, otherwise, you eat them gladly!
    • Someone checks your 'King' with a 'Rook'. You smile back and fame the 'Rook', anything that is priced higher than your 'King' listing is not a threat but the other way around, your free advertisement.
    • Someone checks your 'King', 'Queen' is skinny (No meso left to play with). Consider a Diplomatic approach of either sharing profits or selling them your bulk, otherwise accept defeat and take your bulk out until better days. Owl of Minerva is your best friend and your most loyal daily news.
    • Tip: Stay creative to the ways your respond to market changes and remember, there is a creative King behind every listing too.
    ~f18 This part was not reviewed yet and might be hard for some to understand and fully grasp. If that's the case, please comment so I can find an easier explanation to the whole 'moving markets' game actions and responses.
    ~f17 Credits
    Credit for all information provided via links goes to the original post authors! Thanks for sharing and caring!

    ~f10 Done! Leave a like if it helped you, or a building criticism if it didn't. Thanks! :pepeboba::pepez:
    jacockbo98, Blacktion, hxh and 14 others like this.
  2. filter2020

    filter2020 Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2022
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  3. rustygreen

    rustygreen Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2016
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    my man plays owl chess while we play checkers
    mrkoolguy, Sylafia and OldOwl like this.
  4. Zancks

    Zancks Game Balancer

    Feb 10, 2020
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    Roppongi Mall
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  5. Gavin Chow

    Gavin Chow Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2022
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    Just curious why f/p instead of i/l
  6. Sylafia

    Sylafia Donator

    Jan 2, 2022
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    Easier 3rd job training, cheaper wands. Better in LHC if that's content you want to do since bearwolves, the most commonly run mob, are weak to fire.
    OldOwl likes this.
  7. Dann

    Dann Donator

    Mar 24, 2015
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    Ice Valley II
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    Just wan't to say Papu + Ellin bosses are a great place to farm NX every day :D maybe this can be added to the guide since more Nx equal more gacha ^^
    OldOwl likes this.

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