IGN: Persephone Guild: Heroes Description: After the untimely demise of the guild Villains, I made a new guild called Heroes. I made an emblem, but certain people (coughlullatonecough) decided it was ugly so I first changed the color, then the entire emblem to something different. The problem? Occasionally, people will see the emblem as one of the previous ones. I'm not sure exactly what triggers it, but it seems to be something with relogging. I myself never see the emblem as anything but what I've made it, but members of my guild who both precede emblem changes as well as succeed it have noticed that it sometimes reverts to older emblems, and furthermore people who are not even in the guild sometimes see the emblem as differently (harass Mighty and Momorii for proof since they're the ones who always laugh at me). Not a big deal, just figured I'd report it. Anything I can do to help investigate, let me know.