Today I disbanded a guild called "lslanders" on my player Relation to create a new guild "Native", any how once I disbanded and created a new guild I found that the old guild name (lslanders) under my player so I decided to disband again thinking that it is a glitch somehow. I got dced and I logged in I found that I'm guildless, I tried recreating the guild Natives and it said it's used and then tried creating with the name lslanders and then it somehow got the name Natives under my name. Weird glitch? Will I keep my guild name or is it going to get changed?
Do you still have this problem? EDIT: If you still have this problem, please make a post here and follow this format. IGN: (Your character name) Problem: (Eg: Voted but didn't get NX) Details: (Explain what happened as clearly as possible, including information you think might be relevant. If you have lost items, please list them here, with screenshots if possible.)