Hello. I played about 5-6 years ago (that was shortly after wipe back then). Quitted. Wanted to give a try now, but on main account (16x Hero, IGN: probably DamianTaps or something with Damian) can't log in, wrong password. I'm almost sure what it was back then, so probably was hacked. Don't remember much, for sure had 15 atk SCG and Dragon claymore +1 10%. Also some money and probably some int eq (don't remember if was transfered to 2nd account). Second account shows message that account was deleted or blocked. Bishop 16x or 17x with genesis 20. IGN: probably Czarek-something Back then both accounts got week ban for multivoting and a bit later was banned again, but ban was revoked. I don't remember much. I know there is little chance to do anything now, but if you can help me please
Please submit a Ban Appeal 1st as your account may have been banned to reduce further damage by the hacker https://royals.ms/forum/forums/ban-appeal.8/ You may request for help about your items recovery again after the ban situation is sorted out