Hello! My ign is Tokay, and I was wondering why I'm unable to use my Reg hair coupon at Kerning City. On the NPC Andre I only see a 'buy coupon' selection. But I don't see anything about usong a coupon. :/
The option to use a coupon only becomes visible once you've bought a coupon. Did you buy a coupon from the Cash Shop prior to clicking on the NPC? If so, could you double-check exactly which coupon you bought?
Problem discovered - Tokay had bought an EXP hair coupon from the Cash Shop but the NPC uses REG hair coupons. Gave Tokay an REG hair coupon in exchange for the EXP one, and fixed the NPC so that it now uses EXP hair coupons, since Kerning EXP hair coupons are available in the Cash Shop but Kerning REG coupons aren't. If anybody has unused Kerning City REG hairstyle coupons in their inventory and wants to use them, please do ~gm ingame and a GM will exchange them for an EXP coupon.