Pardon me for my low effort posting here compared to my usual posts. So in the Pierre boss poking event, there was a mini drama about getting players sticking to a corner for more consistent poking uptime especially for melee characters. So, there was a group calling for some players to CC20 sticking with this strat. Being a curious cat, I went along to get a video how it works, so this can be posted here for everyone to judge for themselves. From what I can observe: If carried out perfectly, this should increase the overall uptime for players involved (more melee players involved in the pokings) thereby shorten the runs a bit (how much I'm not sure) However considering this is a public casual event, it would be a mess to practically perform this strat. Should dedicated players insist on using this method, I would suggest gather a gang and go the reversed channel direction (CC20-19-18...). However, this would also involve splitting the player base into two groups (assuming it's a 50-50 split of opinions), thereby potentially slowing everyone if the player population for that session only enough to fill around 1 channel. Though if there are enough players, it would be interesting to see which group runs faster, CC1 team or CC20 team.