Before I say anything else, let me say I'm so happy this exists. I got back on maple global for the first time since before pirates were released, last week, and I was horrified by what had become of the once thriving game. And then I found this!! Me and my buddy just joined this, not knowing anything about the server, he started a warrior (to be dk) and I made a sin. Sounded like a good bossing duo, and sins and bandits were always my favorite classes. I found out rather quickly to my dismay that the vast majority of players on this server are either bishop or sin. I know back in GMS days this was true, that these classes were very popular, but not nearly to this extent. All thru CPQ there was never a point where less than half the party was assassins. I just went 30-50 in there and only once or twice was there only one other sin in my party. Only when the party was 3 people was there ever a time I was the only sin. Today I did my first LMPQ. Sent out a smega to get people, and ended up with an entire party of 6 consisting of sins. Now I kind of wish I had gone with bandit. Not to be a hipster or anything, but it makes it boring if thats all there is. I understand there is a "coolness" factor at play here, but it's also that they're really strong. Yes, only in terms of dps, but hey, what else really is maplestory? I get emulating old maple, but couldn't the devs go in and adjust a couple values to even things out? The whole imbalance could be solved by simply evening out the mathematics of it all, I bet. I 'd love to see the whole rainbow of jobs out there.
It has been considered, but I can't really imagine where the developers should start other than the v.83 patch where skills got slightly buffed. This brings up the issue that Mages should be a viable bossing class, which I wouldn't mind, but would have to multiply the base damage of their skills by a lot.
The class diversity becomes more apparent the more you level, at the low levels when people are first trying out the game they usually choose the "op" classes but once you get to end game you'll see all the classes. Last post confirms that there will eventually be some updates.
^ And we've also been lacking the people to actually implement any change like that, as well as trying to take care of many other bugs and issues that crop up. Ideally I'd like to see some update to other classes as well (bucc fix plz), but I can't see it being a high priority yet when we still are trying to solve the lag d/c issues.
Is v.86 where everything got evened out a bit? I remember joining a private server sometimes between quitting originally, and now, and shadowers had become much more powerful than before, NL was no longer super OP in comparison to everything else, and I remember being very pleased by this (as they were pretty weak before). But skill animation was the same, and I don't *think* that CBs had flash jump or shadow partner, but I'm not 100% sure.
v86 gave weaker classes some buffs, but didn't change the dpm hierarchy. This only really happened in the big bang.
Are you sure? Cause it was before leveling got super easy, I know that for certain. I just remember it being consensus that NL didn't absolutely dominate as it had in the past, or at least not to the same extent.
The decrease on ship cooldown bumped sairs ahead (I believe dual blades were ahead, as well), but...I don't recall NLs ever sucking until after the big bang patch.
I'm hoping that the community can decide on whether a skill should be buffed or not. I'd love to see Bishop being a decent DPS class if this were possible.
Buffing the top dps class in the game? I'm guessing you play a corsair o_0. If you were referring to 1st to 3rd job slinger, that's a more rational argument.
I have never been in a situation like that, I don't see 6 sins in my party in lmpq, cpq or w/e. I do believe there's a large amount of bishops for a good reason. Bishops help circulate the economy, they sell leech, earn mesos, people gain mesos to get leech, while leeching, they kill a large amount of mobs which in turn gives arise to many equips that would be much more rare. Withiout bishops this economy would flourish much less. Sins on the other hand, they have goods and bads, it's not easy making a level 120, with the exception of pure leeching(rich), or if you're a priest just giving hs.
I don't really see the need for this to be quite honest. Every class is different and for certain classes their main thing is just to have high 1v1 dps. If that is your thing just choose those classes. If you play a class that is not good for bossing and you discover halfway trough that you actually want to have high dps then you just choose the wrong class in my opinion. After all, we have 4x exp and if you notice in 4th job that you want to play another class or even two classes you can just remake a character. I play a DK which have ok damage. Apparently we are suposed to be not nearly as good as those high dmg classes but when I'm at zak I don't really notice a big difference. Also consider that your lvl and your funding are a big part of your damage, regardless of what your classes potential is. I'm more afraid that we could overbalance things and get to a point of "job-communism" where regardless of the actual disadvantages/fun that jobs have every job will have roughly the same dps. Edit: If you want an example of this, look at current GMS where every class has their version of FlashJump/Teleport/FastMovement, HP Increase, 1v1 Bossing Skill, Mobbing Skill, AOE etc...
The goal is not to give every job equal DPS. The goal is to buff certain's job strengths (or weaknesses, too!) so all jobs are about equally wanted and useful. Bishops are very useful but have the worst DPS apart from Beginners, if anything, they will get nerfed. Shadowers have the skill that does most damage in the game, but they still need a buff because they are lacking most other things (and said skill comes at a high expense). See what I mean? Curious to see how this would even be executed. The list of changes is very long, and just because people say that job requires a buff, doesn't mean they actually do. I do believe staff will test the skills once planning on implementing the new .WZ files and fine-tune them, so to speak.
It was also at some point decided that we would not implement a new skill-table. The argument for that being the fact that this is v0.62, and we should try to keep it as v0.62-esque as possible. Otherwise, you might as well "fix" Elemental Wands and Staves, and change them to how they were "meant to be".
The kind of balancing you suggest here will be very challenging to figure out tough. Unless it is really decided to change to the skill tables of another version, which of the gms will have the time to develop a Maple Royals specific skill table? We can't let the community decide either, because most players main one class the opinions will all be very biased. Democratic principles won't be applicable either, the distribution of classes mained are not equal. I'd prefer the gms to focus on fixing bugs and maybe adding content. If you think about it, you choose the disadvantages of your class yourself, so shouldn't you just accept them? Why is this a thing that the gms need to spend time on? If Berserk for example were to be changed so that you can carelessly use it without having to worry about dying, were would be the fun in that? And if a shadowers skill comes at a high expense, why not just roll with that, be proud of your disadvantage and that you choose to main your class besides its shortcomings! I think nerfs are the last thing we need, think of all the people who spend alot of time lvling their bishops and now just tell them they will all be nerfed. Most people will be annoyed already when the class they mained doesn't get buffs but other classes do.
If the community can come with a static number that many other classes can achieve relatively well like for example: Night Lords gets around 50,000 DPS Most classes should be scaled to get around ~40,000 if not more Perhaps a simple buff to a certain skill like Bishop's Angel Ray or Paladin's Blast could make them a viable class. This also brings me to the point of how Mages are just aiming to reach a certain number unlike other classes where their damage range actually makes a difference in slight increments at Bosses.