Looking through Horntail's drops, I was wondering if he was ever defeated. Also, most of the drops are from the heads and it made me wonder if defeating the head is like defeating Zakum Arms and it drops. Is that wrong and you only get drops only when Horntail is fully defeated?
HT will be killed when they fix the bugs that make it impossible to kill atm Hopefully not too long from now
It's not HTPQ we're worried about it's the actual bugs correlating to Horntail itself, causes DC's and warps everyone out sometimes so while it is very possible to kill, the bugs makes accomplishing this difficult.
On our last attempt we were still getting warped out randomly, possibly something to do with party leaders disconnecting. Horntail hasn't been killed yet but we will surely try again once we have a confirmation from the GM team that they've looked into the issue!