Figured I would try and see if the new update with Cash Effects stacking correctly within the inventory as well as showing quantity per slot was working with the Heart-Shaped Chocolate nx item as this was one of the more glitchy nx effect items that I knew of in the game in terms of stacking them or rather being unable to stack them due to loss of the heart effect over the character's head. I found that while you can stack the hearts now, and see how many you have, unfortunately there is still a bug regarding this item, though not too serious just a bit annoying. Pretty much when you slot merger the item it will just become a single small heart over your character's head rather than how many of the chocolates you actually have in your inventory. The graphical bug is only client-side though, so other players will still see the correct amount of hearts over your head, but you will just see the one teenie tiny heart rather than however many you actually have in your inventory. Here are 2 pictures for an example: The first picture is from my nl's perspective, and he sees the correct number of hearts over my bandit's head The second picture is from my bandit's perspective, and as stated he can only see the one small heart over his head even though he has 9 of the nx in inventory. This is all after relogging and reclienting to try and see if I could find a workaround to the client side issue of the glitch, but none of that worked. The only real solution was for me to drop the hearts one by one for my bandit, put each one in cash shop one by one (as you can't just do it all at once it will just put the whole stack in there and take the whole stack out), and then take them all back out to un-merge them. But I mean doing all of this kinda defeats the whole purpose of saving any slots by merging nx effect items because it put me right back where I was at the start: TLDR: literally unplayable