I am looking to sell some items and am looking for offers on them. If I believe the offer is not reasonable I will not sell the items. I will think of an A/w later. 13 Int White Raccoon Mask 7 Int White Raccoon Mask 23 Dex 10 Acc Blue Orientican Pants (Male Warrior Bottom) 18 Dex 11 Acc Green Neos Pants (Male Warrior Bottom) 7 Dex 9 Acc Sad Mask 10 Int Red Raggedy Cape 8 Int (1) Old/(1) Red Raggedy Cape 28 Str 8 Dex Beige Linnex (Male BM OA) 10 Dex Amethyst Earrings (level 15) 13 TMA Red Marker 3 Att 1 Slot PGC