Hello il new to Mapleroyals and also new to the HP wash system, I've been reading dome guide to under stand but I don't get the catch. If anyone can help me to know what to do and on which levels to Star doing it, it would be awesome. Stats: Job: Night Lord Level: 10 Current HP: 288 Current MP: 169 Current Base Int: 37 Int Gear Total Int: 0 HP Goal: 18, 750 Level for HP Goal: 175
For me I'm still washing my night lord. Currently at 228int base with +132 gear. You will probably have to do some mo washing as well (adding ap on MP and removing the MP to add on luk) to get more MP. At level 125 my nightlord currently has 12.8-13k HP though my goal is 20k. So if your goal is 18,750 then you would have to wash up until the 145+. Needless to say the cost of APR. You'd need about 600+. So I wouldn't recommend starting the game with a washed nightlord, make a mage to sell leech so you can make mesos early on to fund it.
Thanks man I will follow your advice on getting a mage before continuing my night lord. But I want to get to know the concept and when to aply it to avoid mistakes