I'm currently raising a NL that is going to have 30k something hp in lv135+. I want to know whether I should get zhelm immediately at lv50 or not? I mean have already have a 15+ int green bandana, and getting a zhelm is certainly helpful at 3rd job exam where all my AP is put to int upon level up, making my damage incredibly weak without LUK. Not to mentioned my HP is just not enough unless the seller party offers me HB buff, making it all the harder to get a seller since DK aren't zaking all the time (thus spending more time to find seller instead of leveling). Should I continue to level my NL or get a zhelm immediately?
Zhelm is optimal of course, and you don't necessarily need a drk. You could also get by with tl res (res at 9 minutes, kill before 18 minutes and res). It's probably not too unlikely to find a party with either a drk or a bucc. Or if you really want to do it quickly you could just bring your bs to the run also, and use your bs to res first and their bs to res at end.