Hii!!! Looking for advice on how to wash a bucc. After a couple months playing I finally have my BS ready for leech but now I want a bucc that I can enjoy the game with. I'm planning to leech my new bucc myself from lvl 8 to w.e need to with mw20. My questions are the following. How much APR will I need to save? How much base int should I have? How much int gear should I have? At what lvl should I start washing? I don't want to aim to 30k i just want to enjoy the game. Any advise how to start this process will be great!! Thank you
Probably around 100 base and 100 from gear would be enough depending on how soon you want to play your bucc. I spent around 280-300 Apr and could have def spent much less. 22k potential at 200. (Not crazy)