I need and advise with my warrior. I saw a guide that I need to kill Dreamy Ghosts but it takes forever to do it. Maybe is since I have a lot of dex but I cant afford more dex items to equip stonetooth What do you recommend me? PD: I really want to jump to 120, Im tired of slash blast and power strke lol I want brandish
Party grinding is definitely your best bet, specifically with a priest like Dena said. Himes are great (Dreamy Ghosts) as long as there's no Black Crow in the map. You could also grind at Ulu2 or even start your ToT quests. Also your dex is fine. 55 is a good amount of base dex until you can start getting more godly gear.
Also I'd recommend doing 1 hand sword and shield combo until you can afford att 132+ stone tooth. It is a lot more cost effective. A 130 one hand sword and an attack 20-21 shield is about the same as 131-132 st, but the cost is about half (1.8b is vs 3b to 4b) If you don't have 2b, you can get 1h sword att 120 to 125 and shield att 16 to 18 for dirt cheap. Using a sword shield combo also makes it a hell lot easier to reloot and Scroll godly Z helm since they do not require any Dex. Just my 0.02